Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P08 (10-15-24)
Jesus God is TRUTH!
“Jesus answered, “I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
~ Jesus is TRUTH. His Name is TRUTH. Jesus, God in flesh cannot lie. So when He says, He is the Way, there is not some other way to the Father. And when He says, He is the TRUTH, there is not some other TRUTH out there in the world. There is only one TRUTH. Now you can choose to believe it, or not, but He still remains TRUTH no matter what. And when He says He is the Life, there is not some other Life apart from Him. For if you have Jesus living inside of you through the HOLY SPIRIT, you have His Life in you. And once you have the Holy Spirit, you have LIFE for ALL eternity. You cannot lose what has been given to you. Now there are those that teach there is some future saving life to be had. They will even teach the lie that there are two types of salvation, one where you come to Jesus by … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/15/2024”