Radio Broadcast Monday 09/09/2024

The Law of Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P19 (09-09-24)

Serve One Another in Love

~ ‘For you, brothers, were called to freedom; but do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. Rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you keep on biting and devouring one another, watch out, or you will be consumed by one another’

The new law that Jesus left us with is to serve one another in Love. And there is only one way that can be accomplished, and that is through the Love of God, Jesus, living in and through us. And that only happens when a person has the Holy Spirit living in them. Most people are still out there in the energy of their flesh, trying to produce love. But only God is Love. We cannot love with the same Love apart from Christ living in us.

A child of God is free to do things one way or another, but we are not supposed to use our freedom to react in our flesh. Our flesh is that which swells up inside of us when we ourselves … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/04/2024

Church is Not on The Corner of Walk and Dont Walk

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P18 (09-04-24)

Walk in the Grace of God, In Christ, You Are The Church of God

~ People think words used today are a matter of simply semantics. But words matter, especially in the word of God. If you don’t understand what the actual words used by God means, then you will fall for every deception that Satan throws your way. Details matter in everything. Pay attention to the details. When a born again, child of God, and a true child of God most assuredly has the Holy Spirit in them, they are to be lead by the Spirit of God himself. The Law is not there to lead you around after coming to Christ. It is Not to be used for that. In fact, if a person is using the Law for that, then it is obvious that they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them to begin with, especially if they are pushing it with great vigor, to make sure you are doing this and that, or God is not going to give you your reward when you die. They preach the lies of ongoing forgiveness, or the lie of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/16/2024

Faith is Standing in Truth of Forgiveness

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P961 (08-16-24)

True Faith Always Agrees With God ~ ALL Your Sins Have Been Taken Away by God

~ God is not keeping a record of your sins and wrongs in life. He is not going to broadcast your sins ever again. Today the lies of Satan are taught all over the world in and out of church settings. Most don’t believe God’s word, and are not trusting in the finality of the cross. They show by their actions that they are not exercising faith in Jesus and what He did on the cross for them. Most ministries are not teaching this foundational Truth of the word of God. And it is obvious that most are spreading one of the Big lies of Satan of teaching of ongoing forgiveness by God. They themselves have become spokespeople for Satan. And make no mistake about it, these are indeed Lies of Satan. Satan wants children of God to be calling God a liar, instead of resting in TRUTH. Faith is trusting in Him completely, to understand that God did it ALL. And now, Faith confesses (agrees with) God that all my sins have been taken … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/01/2024

Spirit of Peace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P956 (08-01-24)

God Did Not Give us a Spirit of Fear, But One of Sound Mind

~ God gave us a mind, and He expects us to use it. And if you are in Christ Jesus, it says He gave you a Sound Mind. Most people run to their pastor or teacher, to find out what the word of God means, instead of having it revealed directly to them by God Himself. When a person is born again of the Spirit, they have the Spirit of God living in them. They are not to be dependent on some pill to take away fear or worry, but learn to trust in God who is the faithful One. They are not to zone out on movies or listening to the teaching of the world on tell-a-vision, but take it to God for understanding and wisdom directly from Him. They are not to run to a local pastor or teacher, that quite frankly most likely doesn’t know God and is probably not even born again of the Spirit themselves, because a lost person will definitely teach a person the lies of Satan and the world. And … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/27/2024

Jesus Made You The Temple of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P945 (06-27-24)

For Those in Christ Jesus, Do You Not Know You Are the Temple of God?

~ Once you understand the Truth of Jesus in you, it’s easy to identify the lies of Satan and Man. How much sense does it make to do cannibalism, in a literal belief of drinking blood and eating flesh? Because that’s what is being taught today, and if that’s what a person believes, they are NOT saved. They are believing in another Jesus. Jesus made it crystal clear that the Lord’s supper was a picture of Christ in you, not a cannibalistic ritual to be repeated daily, as in what many many churches teach today. Furthermore, if somehow that wine and bread are turned into blood and human flesh, and a person eats it, then it’s going to go through a person’s digestive system and be eliminated from the body. Now maybe that is why religion keeps on the lie going on and on, that of teaching they need to keep getting Jesus. Additionally, to remain involved with this type of teaching is NOT faith. Faith is responding properly to Truth. And these people need to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/19/2024

Rest in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P926 (04-19-24)

Rest in Jesus

~ People need to hear Truth today more than ever. Don’t hold Truth back from people. Share it with them. If you hear someone believing a lie, tell them Truth. If you hear people sharing lies, remind them of the Truth. Truth always is faithful. Jesus is TRUTH. All religions are lies. All of the world loves believing the lies of Satan. Hardly anyone wants to believe Truth today. They would much rather believe the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. Faith says I believe God and responding properly to Him. So when the Holy Spirit points out something to you, and places it on your heart, follow through with Truth with a person. Just like Julie heard someone in her “church” that was believing the lie of thinking God is going to judge them when they die for some sin committed years ago. It grieved Julie’s heart to hear that from this person. Well folks, that is a prime opportunity to share Truth with a person. There is more than one way to share Truth. Talk with them privately. Invite them to a Bible … Listen to Broadcast & Read More