Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P58 (08-31-20)
We will always be learning how to trust in the love of God. As we allow ourselves to get to know God better through His word, error in our heads will be replaced with truth. So as we rely on, abide in Christ, the life of the vine, who is Christ, will produce in us and through us the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Like a branch, we cannot produce such fruit, but we can bear fruit, as we remain connected to the head, who is Christ. You are the church, you who are in Christ Jesus.
The Spirit testifies with our human spirit that we are children of God, by which we cry “Abba, or Daddy, Father.” That is our true identity, a child of God, not Baptist, or Presbyterian, or whatever label you put on yourself. Those are not identities God gave. Those are identities men give. Denominations may be teaching truth or they may be teaching error. How do you know? By the Spirit and His word, and the Spirit who reveals to you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More