Radio Broadcast Monday 8/31/2020

New Creature in Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P58 (08-31-20)


We will always be learning how to trust in the love of God. As we allow ourselves to get to know God better through His word, error in our heads will be replaced with truth. So as we rely on, abide in Christ, the life of the vine, who is Christ, will produce in us and through us the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Like a branch, we cannot produce such fruit, but we can bear fruit, as we remain connected to the head, who is Christ. You are the church, you who are in Christ Jesus.

The Spirit testifies with our human spirit that we are children of God, by which we cry “Abba, or Daddy, Father.” That is our true identity, a child of God, not Baptist, or Presbyterian, or whatever label you put on yourself. Those are not identities God gave. Those are identities men give. Denominations may be teaching truth or they may be teaching error. How do you know? By the Spirit and His word, and the Spirit who reveals to you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 8/26/2020

Jesus Loves You For Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P57 (08-26-20)


Ponder how God made man, that he is made as body, soul and spirit. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, what happened? Due to sin, and God being holy, the Spirit of God departed from Adam and Eve. They knew what God had said, that the day they decided for themselves right from wrong and good from evil, that they would surely die. They died spiritually that day, so that they were separated from God. They hid from God out of fear. So, being born in that nature of Adam, that fear is ingrained in us, which is a part of what is called sin-indwelling flesh.

So what did God do to restore fallen mankind back to Himself. Out of love for us, He sent His Son into this world to take away the cause of our death, that fear in us, that knows that we deserve death for sin, so that we may freely come to God. God reached out in love to us, to do something for us we could never do for ourselves.

God demonstrated His love for us in this, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 8/25/2020

Jesus is Working Things Out For Good

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P56 (08-25-20)


This is the Christian life. It is trusting Jesus to do what I am evidently unable to do. The whole essence of this lesson is to get us to see that God loves you, and not that you loved Him but He loves us first. Our love is a response to what He has revealed to us. As you listen to the audio, and follow along also with the transcript, with additional scripture references provided, ponder over the amazing love demonstrated to us in Christ Jesus.

How we perceive God determines how we respond to Him. Error in our minds will show up in our behavior, our thoughts and deeds. But as we grow in our understanding of who God is, that God is the way, the truth and the life, our minds are renewed. Not only so, when we are born again, we have the Spirit of God living in us, who is there to reveal to us what truth is. It the truth of Christ Jesus, living in us, that sets us free to live in the newness of life He has freely given … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 8/24/2020

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P55 (08-24-20)


If we are honest with ourselves, when we try to love God, we know that it falls short. In reality, we do not have the ability on our own to love God. Our love for God can only be in response to how we perceive God. If we do not know Him, how can we love Him? Do we have the nature of God in us? Do you know His nature? Are you like God or different?

If you think God is mean, vindictive, uninvolved, hard-hearted, and uncaring, then how would you act toward God? If I thought God was mad at me when I sinned, ready to punish me, then would I be inclined to want to go to Him, or would I respond in fear of Him? If we know He is the powerful, creator of everything there is, yet see Him as so holy and we are not, and that we justly deserve to die for our sins, but do not know God, nothing of His nature and love, how do you think we would respond to God? Would we not cower in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 8/19/2020

We Have Peace With God in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P54 (08-19-20)


It is hard to understand the love of God when you see such prevalent evil all around, whether flaunted on television, presenting homosexuality as glorious, promoting a drag queen in teaching children in a library, or seeing people knocking down monuments, rioting in the city, and seemingly for no reason shoot a little boy in the head. So often people blame the wrong person for our problems, as in those who blame white supremacy or the police for our problems, and it seems God always gets the blame for something He never did.

The fact of the matter is that God is love. That depravity of man, that sin that is in man broke His heart. He knows what sin does to a person, to a city and to a country. It destroys all that He intended for man to be and have, to be able to respond to His love. No matter what the sin, whether a lie, worry, homosexual perversion or murder, it is sin. The root of all sin is unbelief in Jesus.

We were all born in unbelief, already under condemnation of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 8/18/2020

In Jesus There is no Condemnation

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P53 (08-18-20)


Let us focus on this aspect of faith, this access to this grace in which we, who are in Christ, now stand. We know that anything which is not of faith is sin. Sin is what caused our death, but through faith in Christ Jesus, we were born again. The message of the gospel is life in Christ Jesus. It encompasses the totality of what Christ Jesus accomplished for us through His death, burial and resurrection, ultimately leading us to place our faith in His provision and receive eternal life, the life of Christ living in you.

Many of you have heard justification expressed as meaning just as if you had never sinned. That is part of justification, but there is more to justification than dealing with sin. The removal of sin did not save us. That is what prepared us for life to be given and for life to be received.

Dealing with sin is really what reconciliation is, which is what God did for us by sending His Son to shed His blood on a cross to take away the sins of the world. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More