Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/09/2021

Truth Sets You Free

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P2 (02-09-21)


Do you have a plumbline to gauge whether something is true? The word of God is the plumbline for truth, to gauge our lives so that we are not ensnared and trapped in error in our thinking but can submit to God and resist the lie and live in truth. The battle in the world today, as in Jesus day, and since the beginning of time, has been the battle for the mind. That is where temptation starts.

Temptation is getting you to doubt what God has said, to doubt that God has the best in mind for you, and to believe that someone other than God has the answers to life, that someone else can give you what you need rather than God, or that you can meet your own needs and live independently of God, or even that He is not God. Satan has so deceived mankind that we have become slaves to the god of this world, who is Satan, where we experience so much heartache and pain.

Jesus came as the living word, living like a man, even though He is God, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/29/2020

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P583 (10-29-20)


Depression is one of the most common struggles people face. All of us face depression from time to time, and sometimes it grabs a hold of you and essentially cripples you from living free as God intended, full of joy and a peace that surpasses understanding. When you recognize that it is primarily a thinking problem rather than a disease or sickness, then you are on the starting point of walking free. You can start replacing the error in your thinking with truth.

With depression, we often are triggered by an emotional pain, an insult or a rejection from someone. Then you dwell on those thoughts in your head, but instead of relying on truth, you rely on feelings. Then instead of going to God for the answer in His word, you resort to other substitutes that make the flesh feel good. Oftentimes those things we gravitate to are only temporary and fleeting and are not real solutions, but often make the problem worse and fuel our depression. A prime example of that would be drinking a little more alcohol or taking up that cigarette, which are really harmful to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/15/2020

Jesus Lives in Believers

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P579 (10-15-20)


The older you get, you will be at a funeral of a mother or father or close friend. That is a part of life. That was not God’s design for people to die. That came about when the first created beings sinned, and so sin and death entered the world.

But, God, out of His deep love for us, provided a solution so that we can be raised to new life in Him. If you grasp the depth of His love for you, of His taking away your cause of death, called sin, then you can appreciate the cross. For you realize how depraved and hopeless you are, and have come to grips that not only are you a sinner, but you are separated from your creator, who loves you so much. When you realize He died to take away your sins, and then rose again so you can freely come to Him, to receive new life, His life you were unable to live. You accept the life in Christ Jesus that is full of joy and peace and patience and kindness. You respond to that and receive Him, His … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 9/28/2020

Jesus Gave Us New Commands of Belief and Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P70 (09-28-20)


The flesh wants its own way. The flesh wants its own parking space. Flesh wants justice all the time, especially if it relates to us. So, we are not like God. God is perfect love. It is when we come to know the love of God, and are recipients of His love, that we see a new way to live as God intended us to live. When we come to know God, we are set apart to serve one another in love, in the same way we received unconditional love and acceptance from Him.

We must come to understand the command that Jesus has for us, to love one another. The first thing we must come to grips with is that I cannot do that but I am indwelt with the one who can. We have that privilege in participating in the divine nature that lives in us and to participate in that love. We do not have to go get it. It is there. It is just if I am going to yield to the flesh that wants to be served or yield to the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/04/2019

Jesus Came to Set You Free

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P452 (7-04-19)

Bob received calls from several callers who heard error. These are the questions asked. Can I be in and out of fellowship with God? Have I committed the unpardonable sin? What about a young child or the handicapped or those who have never heard the gospel of salvation?

Dale called for clarification of truth from a pastor who spoke error concerning a believer being in and out of fellowship with God. He had incorrectly taught from the parable of the prodigal son from Luke 15 to explain a false teaching of being in and out of fellowship with God. Luke 15 is not talking about a believer but an unsaved lost son who received righteousness by faith and faith alone and an older brother who failed to receive that righteousness by faith. It is really a parable about the self righteous Jew and the non-seeking Gentile who hears the message of Christ, believes and is saved.

Mark calls on behalf of his 8 year old daughter concerning about what happens when young children die. Bob shared that for young children or the mentally handicapped, we just trust in God, who is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More