Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/24/2024

Growing in Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P936 (05-24-24)

Having a Proper Self Image in Christ Jesus is Important for Living IN Christ Jesus

~ When a person is in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in them, and he never stops teaching us about the grace of God. Scripture tells us, that we are children of God when we have the Spirit of God living in us. And if a person does not have the Spirit of God living in them, they are not a child of God. This is critical to understand both from a lost and saved perspective. He who has the Son, is Saved, he who does NOT have the Son of God is Dead Lost. A person is dead from a spiritual standpoint, because they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them. Now once a person has the Holy Spirit living in them, then God will discipline them forever. He will teach them Truth. And sometimes that Truth is hard to swallow, because we fell for the lies of Satan, hook, line and sinker. And all of us have issues in our flesh. There is no one without sin. But if someone points … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/23/2024

Not By Works of The Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P935 (05-23-24)

Those Under Law Are NOT Lead By the Holy Spirit

~ The person who is under law cannot be lead by the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit does not live in them. They are NOT children of God. They are lost and in need of salvation for life. And as the Scriptures says, salvation is Life in Christ Jesus. Jesus is Life. Those in Jesus, have Life. Those that don’t have Jesus are dead, for the Holy Spirit of God does not live in them. Many will say that they are saved, when in reality they don’t know what salvation is. They have all different ideas of salvation. Some think they are saved when they got their sins forgiven (when they asked God to forgive them the first time in their life). This is NOT salvation. Other times, people think they are saved when they got baptized by water by a priest or a pastor. This is NOT salvation. Other’s think they are saved, when they do more good works rather than bad works, and that God grades on the curve. This is NOT salvation. Salvation is HIS Life living … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/19/2024

Rest in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P926 (04-19-24)

Rest in Jesus

~ People need to hear Truth today more than ever. Don’t hold Truth back from people. Share it with them. If you hear someone believing a lie, tell them Truth. If you hear people sharing lies, remind them of the Truth. Truth always is faithful. Jesus is TRUTH. All religions are lies. All of the world loves believing the lies of Satan. Hardly anyone wants to believe Truth today. They would much rather believe the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. Faith says I believe God and responding properly to Him. So when the Holy Spirit points out something to you, and places it on your heart, follow through with Truth with a person. Just like Julie heard someone in her “church” that was believing the lie of thinking God is going to judge them when they die for some sin committed years ago. It grieved Julie’s heart to hear that from this person. Well folks, that is a prime opportunity to share Truth with a person. There is more than one way to share Truth. Talk with them privately. Invite them to a Bible … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/18/2024

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P925 (04-18-24)

Without the Shedding of Blood There is NO Forgiveness

~ To understand how the completed forgiveness by God has been a done deal, a person needs to understand that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And Jesus is never ever going to shed his blood ever again for the sins of the whole world. And folks, it’s important to understand that you were born forgiven. That is Truth. God was in Christ Jesus, reconciling the whole world to Himself, not counting anyone’s sins against them. Faith says, I believe that. Faith says, no one gets their sins forgiven today by God, for they were ALL forgiven at the cross, when Jesus went to the cross and became sin for us. So that anyone who places faith in Him, could become the righteousness of God. A person needs to be filled with God’s righteousness, not their own. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes to give a person eternal Life when they place in Jesus, and what He alone did for them.

There are people still today that make a mockery of the cross, even though they say … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/12/2024

How to Live by Faith by Christ Jesus in You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P924 (04-12-24)

We Live By Faith in Jesus From First to Last

~ There are some children of God that have a difficult time living by faith. Many have come to Jesus under false pretenses. They have believed the lie of ongoing forgiveness. They are not sure if God took all their sins away at the cross. They are not resting in the finished work of Christ Jesus. Now as to whether a person has trusted or not trusted in Jesus, God in the flesh is between God and them. However, all we can do is promote TRUTH. The truth is God was in Christ Jesus, reconciling the whole world to Himself, not counting anyone’s sins against them. When we place faith in that, faith says thank you God. It is the exact opposite of faith to say to God, “Oh Lord, please forgive me.” That is NOT faith, that is presumption that He is going to forgive you when you ask him to. A person like that is never quite sure if God really forgave them or not. They have been taught to keep on asking for forgiveness. And it doesn’t matter … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/17/2023

The Law is Like a Mirror

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P888 (11-17-23)

What Good is The Law? What is the Purpose of The Law?

~ It’s important that we get a handle on what the Law is for and what it is Not for. One of the callers on Bob’s show had a number of questions in regards to the law. And those same type of questions go on today. Some people state that the law is for Christians today in order that God would be pleased with a person if they obeyed the law. Others believe that the Holy Spirit helps you to obey the law. Others think that God is somehow disappointed with you when you disobey the law. Nothing could be further from the truth. Faith is what pleases God. And without faith, it is impossible to please God.

If you are still under the law today, the Word of God declares you are under a curse. So, if you are a child of God through faith, it says you are no longer under the law. So as a child of God, why in the world would you want to place yourself back under the law? And if someone wants … Listen to Broadcast & Read More