Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P5 (06-02-21)
When you read the Old Testament, you get a better understanding and visual picture of why we need a New Covenant. In my growing up, the ten commandments were taught as something to live by and memorize. I am not sure what people still think about the ten commandments today, because in my state, the ten commandments were ordered to be taken down from the capitol grounds, and I would hear from church-going people that Roy Moore needs to stand down and obey the law of the land. But the point is, the ten commandments is something closely tied to the conscience that God has created in mankind as something that is holy, righteous and good. In Muslim countries, I have heard that if you steal gold out of a store, because they do not have such items locked up in a case, then you can get your hand chopped off. That is overly harsh punishment to me, but the point is they would not have such a law if they thought stealing was not wrong.
Many churches used to, and maybe still do, teach the ten … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message