Radio Broadcast Monday 03/18/2024

Sins of the World Have Been Forgiven

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P80 (03-18-24)

Your Sins Have Been Forgiven (Past Tense)

~ It’s so important that we understand the timeline that we live in right now. We live after the cross. So when we read the word of God, we are talking about a future event that has already come to pass. That event was the cross that Jesus went to, where he who knew no sin, became the perfect sacrifice for us, and bore the sins of the entire world. And by the way, each of us is part of the world. And you have to ask the question, If Jesus didn’t forgive the sins of the entire world, then what makes any person sure that God forgave them their own sins? You can’t have it both ways. Either your sins were forgiven at the cross or they weren’t. Jesus didn’t forgive some sins and not others. And by the way, people that think their sins were forgiven the moment they placed faith in Jesus, then it becomes your faith that causes God to forgive you instead of what Jesus did on the cross, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. So … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/15/2024

Worship by Being Available to Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P916 (03-15-24)

Be Sure To Enter Into His Sabbath Rest

~ After the cross, everything changed. Prior to the cross, there was a day of the week that was called the Sabbath, and was to be a rest day for the people. After the cross, the Sabbath became a Sabbath Rest for the people of God. Every moment of the day of every day of the week is a Sabbath Rest for those who are in Christ Jesus. Yet people will act like they are living in the old covenant, and get all into their sabbath day as though they think God is pleased with them when they go to their church service, and listen to all the teaching of men (which most of the time are lies of the devil). Yet people do it, because that is what they have done through their tradition, thinking they are worshipping God based on going to a man made building on the corner of walk and don’t walk on a Sunday or a Saturday or whatever day of the week they go, and get filled with goosebumps when they listen to or sing music that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/13/2024

Law Shows Your Sin

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P79 (03-13-24)

The First Command Was Set Aside Because it was Weak and Useless

~ The law made nothing perfect. Do you hear that? The law, made NOTHING perfect. So a better hope was introduced. Jesus is our better hope. For no one will ever be declared righteous under the law. Do we actually believe that? Do most people that profess being a Christian actually believe that? Heck no. They think God is pleased with them when they obey the law (and falsely believe that they are obeying the law). They lie to themselves and others. For if they were honest with themselves, they would see the truth of the word of God and of themselves, they would repent (NOT of their sins but of their unbelief and change their mind), and come to a saving faith in Jesus, the one who could and did obey the law of God from the beginning. Only in Christ Jesus is a person perfect in the sight of God. It is not based on dodo Christianity either. It is based solely on Him and His righteousness, none of our own righteousness. Only when a person exercises faith … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/04/2024

Obedience to The Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P74 (03-04-24)

The Law Was Meant to Lead us To Jesus Christ

~ People today are living under the law, because quite frankly most have not come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. They are still performing in their flesh for God. They keep telling God, “I’m going to do better next time.” And then oops, they did it again. But Lord, “I’m going to do better next time.” And on and on it goes, with people pretending that they are obeying the Law of God (at least most of the time), and then when they don’t, they ask God to forgive them again and again and again. There is nothing new under the sun. Man repeats the same lies over and over again. It is not just believing in error, but they are believing in the lies of Satan over that of the word of God. They refuse to come to the knowledge of TRUTH, because man’s pride always gets in the way. After all, they went to University and got all this teaching and are proud of their degrees, and now they know it all. They can do it their way, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/21/2024

Rest in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P70 (02-21-24)

Jesus Wants to Give You Rest for Your Soul

~ We sometimes need to be reminded, that Jesus came to give us rest for our souls. Many folks have rebelled against religion, they have rebelled against the hypocrisy involved, they have rebelled against the people that act all holier-than-thou. And quite frankly, we are actually to rebel against those things. Because God doesn’t want us to be under the slave system. He came to set us free from all that garbage. And yes, it is filthy garbage. It is dung, as the Apostle Paul said. Throw it away. Don’t support your slave masters. Get rid of listening to those that would place you back under the yoke of slavery. For it is freedom that Jesus has set us free. Rest in Him today, and He will give you rest for your soul. He will never leave you no matter what. Come to Jesus for Rest today.

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


~ ” Folks, when people realize and to get into all this religious stuff that I’m and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/20/2024

Jesus Fulfilled the Law For Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P69 (02-20-24)

No One Keeps The Law ~ No One is Good ~ Only Jesus is GOOD!

~ There aren’t any law keepers today. There never were any law keepers. There are simply hypocrites that pretend they are keeping the law of God. The law pretenders are out there in droves. They try to practice “law keeping” and think they are righteous in the sight of God based on their “good works” as though they have good works in and of themselves. You can spot these liars a mile a way. They lie to themselves and others about their ability to keep the law of God. They even put down the teaching of grace because in their mind, they look on that as a license to sin, as though someone needs a license to sin. They don’t have a clue about the resurrected life of God, and the Holy Spirit living in the life of a believer. They go through the motions of great pretenders. Oh, they can repeat verses of scripture backwards and forwards, but they don’t have a clue what the word of God means. These folks that are under law, are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More