Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P590 (12-03-20)
Are you open to listening to truth? Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit teach you, to reveal to you what truth is? Truth is in a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He testified of this by saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”.
So often we tend to separate the physical from the spiritual, as if those two worlds never intersect. That the spiritual stuff is those things on Sunday mornings, when you sing praise songs or sit in a pew reciting, “Lord have mercy” from a missalette without a clue what it means. Yes, you might know you have sinful behavior and in need of that sin and guilt dealt with, but you see no source of power or ability to do anything about it, except a temporary confessional that seems to at least ease your guilt and make you feel better.
As a lost person, you are dead to spiritual things. You do not know that the spiritual is what real life is, and that affects and makes life worth living. The spiritual is a relationship with a real person, the person … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message