Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/03/2020

Quit Walking in Unbelief

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P590 (12-03-20)


Are you open to listening to truth? Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit teach you, to reveal to you what truth is? Truth is in a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He testified of this by saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”.

So often we tend to separate the physical from the spiritual, as if those two worlds never intersect. That the spiritual stuff is those things on Sunday mornings, when you sing praise songs or sit in a pew reciting, “Lord have mercy” from a missalette without a clue what it means. Yes, you might know you have sinful behavior and in need of that sin and guilt dealt with, but you see no source of power or ability to do anything about it, except a temporary confessional that seems to at least ease your guilt and make you feel better.

As a lost person, you are dead to spiritual things. You do not know that the spiritual is what real life is, and that affects and makes life worth living. The spiritual is a relationship with a real person, the person … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P3 Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/27/2020

Jesus is Light - Place Faith in Him

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P3 – Bob George (11-27-20)


Let us reflect on Christ and be thankful. When we ponder all that we have in Christ, how can we not be thankful? At Thanksgiving we can reflect on our nation, but what I really rejoice in is that I have been set free in Christ. To ponder over the wretched state of death I was once in, so miserable that I cried out to God for help, and He rescued me. He led me to new life in Christ Jesus. And today, I rejoice that that same grace that saved me then is the same life that continually saves me now.

I thank Him for renewing my mind, encouraging me and knowing that when I do sin, I am not condemned. Why? I am no longer under the law of sin and death. All the judgment and punishment for sin was placed on a cross so there is none left for me! And I am so grateful that I am under grace. He supplies everything I need to live. I can rest in Him, although realizing that on this earth I will still sin, never going to be in … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P2 Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/26/2020

Law Shows Your Sin

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P2 – Bob George (11-26-20)


Have you ever just redefined sin as something else than what it is? You call worry a healthy concern, or adultery an affair, or homosexuality an alternative lifestyle. Have you ever lied or stolen and knew that it was sin? We can rationalize sin away by redefining it, but it is still sin. But being born into this world we are still born under the law of sin, and that sin caused our death. So then we hear about the law, or the ten commandments from church, and we think, “Hey, I can obey that!” Well, you have just lied to yourself. For it is not very long that you find yourself even coveting after something your neighbor has. And you read that coveting is sin. Then you find yourself coveting all the more. You have just discovered the law at work in your life, condemning you. The good things you know you ought to do, you find yourself not doing them and the things you do not want to do, you do them anyway. Have you discovered this body of death in you? Have you discovered how wretched you … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P1 Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/25/2020

All People Are Law Breakers

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P1 – Bob George (11-25-20)


When we think of what Jesus did for us at the cross, we have much to be thankful for. We were born spiritually dead, born under the law of sin and death in weakened flesh. Unless we are out from under that law of sin that caused our death, then we will remain in a state of eternal death, forever separated from the Lord, miserable, wretched and without hope. But God in the person of Jesus Christ rescued us, reconciled us to Himself, having paid the just requirements of the law for us. Our sins were judged. The verdict was guilty. The punishment was death and Jesus took it all.

Jesus’ shed blood on a cross is what prepared the way for life to be given. Now that sin and death is out of the way, and He has risen from the dead. He offers the same life that raised Him from the dead to you and me. As great as it is for our sins to be forgiven, how much greater is being made alive in Christ Jesus. For if Jesus was not raised from the dead then I … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Thanksgiving P3 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/24/2020

Salvation - Eternal Life in Jesus

Thanksgiving P3 – Bob George (11-24-20)


As the Thanksgiving season is here, consider how much we have been freely given. If you are in Christ, you are free. You are free from the law. You are no longer under the law of sin and death, the law with it’s demands that you could never keep. Sin was your master and owner. In Christ, you are no longer a prisoner of the law. You were once locked up until faith should be revealed. Has faith been revealed to you? Can you now call God your Father because you have become a child of God, a new creation in Christ?

Even before the law was given, sin was in the world. All of us were born dead spiritually. The law was powerless to save you nor could it. We were already weak in our natural selves, being dead already. We keep doing what we know we ought not do and we do not do what we know we should. And when we fail, there is guilt under the law. Then why was the law given? The law was added so that man may see his condition of spiritual death and seek … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Thanksgiving P2 Radio Broadcast Monday 11/23/2020

Be Devoted to One Another in Love

Thanksgiving P2 – Bob George (11-23-20)


Turn to Romans and read along as Bob explains its meaning. The book of Romans is a book of contrast between law and grace. The purpose of the law is for man to recognize his sinfulness, his condition of spiritual death, that he might seek a Savior in Jesus Christ. There is so much that the apostle Paul explains concerning the law; its purpose, it’s inability to make one righteous before God, it’s ministry of death to make man realize his sinful state. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show dirt on the face but it has no power to remove the dirt. So too is the law to show man he is a sinner but there is no power in the law to make anyone righteous before God.

The law demands perfect obedience, which no man in his weakened sinful state could ever completely obey. As James said, if a man obeyed all of the law but failed at just one point, then he is guilty of breaking all of the law. A law without a penalty is no law at all. The law would have no meaning. God’s … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message