Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P17 (09-03-24)
We Live Under a New Covenant, A Covenant of Grace
~ To understand the New Covenant of Grace we live under today, we need to understand the Love of God. Once a person understands the Love of God, Jesus, God in flesh, who took away ALL their sins on the cross and he is Not counting any of them against them today, then a person wants to jump for joy! And if a person does not realize that all their sins have been taken away from the eyes of God, to never see them again, or ever bring them up again, they will forever be living in a state of fear. They will be thinking in the back of their mind, is God hacked at me? Is he going to get me? Is the hammer going to come down on me? Instead of realizing we live under this New Covenant today, people will forever be on the performance treadmill of thinking they need to get right with God. We need to get to know the Love of God. We need to understand God’s love for us. We need to understand Jesus, the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More