Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/26/2020

Jesus is the Only Righteous One

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P523 (03-26-20)


Listen as Bob counsels with a person who is on the verge of divorce. The focus is really on a heart problem, not a marriage problem. The goal is not to get back married but to find out what truth is so reconciliation can take place. That is the counsel Bob gave. Listen as Bob explains several passages of scripture in detail. Another issue he also addressed was law and grace. What was the attitudes in the scriptures for? Was it so we can live up to those standards? No. That is impossible for man to do. The key to living is to first become born again and then learn to allow the Lord to teach you what it means to let Him live His life in you and through you. When you are born again, you are a child of God. The attitude of your heart is to love God, to know what the Lord desires. When you know experience the love of God, you are not seeking to destroy one another.

Bob speaks with another caller to address what repentance means. Unfortunately, most words in common use today … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P8 (11-05-19)


So have you ever been called a bigot because you told someone who has identified himself as a homosexual that what he is doing is perversion? Have you bought into the lie that those who choose to partner up with someone of the same sex is an alternate lifestyle? If you are truly going to help someone, do you tell them the truth? You never want to get to the point in your own life that you call something other than what God calls something. If God calls it perversion, it is perversion. If God calls it sin, it is sin.

Do you want to know the truth? Are you willing to listen to truth? If not, then have you decided to not hold onto the knowledge of the truth? If so, then your foolish mind has become darkened. If this is you, realize that God loves you. He does not accept or approve of your behavior. He let you get caught up in this life because that is what you chose of your own free will. But God has provided a solution for you, a better way to live. Are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/10/2019

Marriage a Matter of Identification

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P480 (10-10-19)


Bob received calls from several listeners, answering questions in the world today as well as the practical issues. Bob explains the gospel message and applies that to the practical problems people face today. Bob addresses the practical issues of life, such as anger issues stemming from fear, marital problems, and living in freedom from religious tradition, by the practical message of the gospel, Christ in you, the hope of glory. We are born dead and in need of life. That is not a religious thing. That is a very practical message God came to bring to man through new life in Christ Jesus.

The reason Gloria is struggling in marriage is because she is unequally yoked to a non-believer who does not have any indication he is willing to live with her, being adamantly opposed to the message of Christ Jesus and is abusive to her. God’s word provides instruction to a believer that he has freedom to leave a non-believer to live in peace. God wants us to live in peace. Yet, if a non-believer is willing to live with you, is not opposed to you being a Christian … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/30/2019

Repent of Your Unbelief

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P469 (8-30-19)


Bob George answers questions from several callers. A common question asked by many people is, “Can I lose my salvation?” There are denominations that teach this, such as the Church of the Nazarene, but truth is not found in a denominational persuasion. Jesus came to this earth to explain truth to men. The natural man cannot understand truth, for truth must be spiritually discerned. The humble will receive truth and believe what Jesus had said. When they choose to believe truth in regards to what Christ Jesus did, through his death, burial and resurrection, they become born again that moment, have the Spirit of God placed in them, and are said to have the mind of Christ.

People can be persuasive in speech and even know a lot of scriptures but do not know the truth. That was true of the Jews in Jesus day, and they memorized much of the Old Testament, but did not recognize Jesus when he came and even sought to kill him. Men too can be liars and deceivers but also men who are simply spiritually dead like all of us once were. So they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/16/2019

What About 1 John 1:9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P465 (8-16-19)


The gospel of good news in Christ Jesus is a practical message that changes lives. The truth of Christ lives in you and truly sets you free. The root cause of marriage is people trying to get a need met from the spouse for love and acceptance. Those are things only God can give you. So when a spouse expects this to be met by her mate then that drains him of energy and puts a strain and burden on the marriage. Such was the case with Katie who called. She called with great emotional pain, having been married for two years but currently separated from her husband for three months now. She also was worried about her future and said she was trying to think positively.

Bob addressed several truths for her to grab a hold of. It is not a matter of thinking positively on a situation or your circumstances but thinking truthfully and realistically. Do not worry about tomorrow for that is God’s country. The God who is here for you today is there for your tomorrow. So do not worry about tomorrow for all you have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/09/2019

Marriage a Matter of Identification

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P463 (8-09-19)


All of us are in continual need of replacing error with truth in our lives, and that will be true until the day we die. The real question is, “Do you want to get well?” That is why it is so good to hear people call in with their questions, for this is an avenue in which the body of Christ can be built up and grow. Many times people call to receive advice on how to deal with circumstances in their life that they do not know how to resolve. That is why we are placed in the body of Christ, to help and encourage one another. These are the questions asked by callers on the program. What do you think about a man and a woman living together who are not married? How come I cannot love like I want to love? How come I get bitter thoughts in my mind that I cannot seem to get rid? How do I parent a young college student who is not living right?

Julie called to ask Bob about his viewpoint on living with someone outside of marriage. Julie was … Listen to Broadcast & Read More