Classic Christianity – The Book of John P82 (08-14-23)
If You Are a Child of God, You are a Saint, NOT a Sinner!
~ Understanding our identity in Christ Jesus is paramount in our understanding of who we are in Christ Jesus and of how God sees us, as a saint, NOT a sinner. Satan loves to get a believer’s identity off of how God see us and instead focuses on the lies he has cooked up. A big lie today is that one is a sinner, even after coming to have the Holy Spirit live in you. Religion and Satan stroke that lie and that weakens the believer’s ability to live a Spirit controlled life. For if the believer constantly thinks of themselves as a sinner, then they are nothing more than a sinner saved by grace. There is no power in believing that lie. Satan will constantly point out your sinfulness and stroking the flesh. And the Holy Spirit is constantly telling us that God is no longer counting our sins against us. And for those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation, plus we are told that the Holy Spirit lives in us and that … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message