Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/25/2021

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P611 (02-25-21)


In this day and age, with this so-called pandemic that disrupted our lives, many people are beginning to wonder what church is? Is it really a building you go to? And when you go to that building, listening to a pastor preach, what were you being taught? Do you feel guilt-ridden, that you do not measure up to some standard? Are you told that whenever you sin, you are out of fellowship with God? Listen as callers ask these kinds of questions, and are looking for answers to what it means to be a Christian. How is a Christian supposed to live? Is it supposed to be burdensome or are you supposed to experience love, peace and joy?

First of all, the assumption is you are born again, having the Spirit of God placed in you and made a part of the body of Christ, of whom Jesus Christ is the head. That is the church, you, a new creation, with the Spirit of God living in you, being led internally by the Spirit, who reveals truth to you. And you grow by allowing Him to teach you, to correct … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/02/2020

Salvation is Life in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P13 (11-02-20)


If you have not already, get a copy of A Closer Look at Jesus Christ. We have studied the person of Jesus Christ, Who Did Jesus Christ Claim to Be?, A Madman or God in the Flesh. We read from the scriptures what Jesus claimed about Himself, that He is God. Then the question was asked, Who Do You Say that I Am?. If you have concluded that Jesus is God, and came to offer you eternal life, then an explanation was given of what it means to be Receiving the Offer of Life. Now we are studying What Others Claimed About Jesus Christ. So today we read what John the apostle said concerning Jesus Christ.

In summary, God sent Jesus into this world to save that which is lost. When someone is lost, it is good to know someone is looking for him. The person who is lost is mankind, each and every person born into this world. All of us were born into this world spiritually dead, and in need of new life, God’s life. What is lost is our … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/18/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P545 (06-18-20)


It is quite often that people read a passage of scripture that just does not seem very clear to them. Other scriptures they have read makes them think they have not properly understood that passage of scripture. So they call in to get clarification and understanding. There are several passages of scripture that are frequently asked even today. There are these passages in Romans 8 about election and predestination, and there is a whole erroneous theology people have come up with on that. Then you have this passage in the time Jesus was walking the earth prior to the cross in John 20:22-23, where Jesus said to receive the Holy spirit and that if you do not forgive someone their sins they are not forgiven. Then you have the one in Hebrews 10:26-27, about sinning against the knowledge of truth and the expectation of raging fire that consumes the enemies of God. Many a person has incorrectly understood this to mean you can lose your salvation.

So oftentimes, when people grow up in false teaching and theology, it takes time to unravel all the things that they have been taught. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/21/2020

Go Beyond The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P32 (01-21-19)


As we read in Romans 8, there is life in the Spirit. Formerly, the mind of the lost person was hostile to God. We do not naturally think of ourselves as hostile to God, but we are. The law is set against us and so we would rather plead ignorance. Then we can at least plead ignorance. But if we are properly trained by the law to lead us to Christ, then the law served its purpose to convince us that we are dead and in need of life.

We used to live according to the flesh, when we were lost, because that is all we had. But then when we were born again, the Spirit of God came to indwell us. We were set free from the law of sin and death because in our weak state we were never able to live up to the demands of the law. The Spirit of life came to live in us to produce love in and through us, as we learn to trust God.

But how many people have understood what it means to walk in accordance with the Spirit. Jesus told … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/11/2019

We Were Reconciled to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P21 (12-11-19)


This passage of scripture, in this 5th chapter of Romans, is one of the most important chapters in the entire bible. It takes the whole deal and encapsulates the entire gospel in Christ. Looking at just Romans 5:10, we have an explanation of how God reconciled the world unto himself. Sadly, many people have not understood the latter part of this verse, that we are saved by his life.

You are not saved by the death of Christ. You are saved by the life of Christ. His death is what was necessary to prepare us for salvation, and is necessary for salvation. For if Jesus did not die to take away the sins of the entire world, the next time man sinned he would die again. But death does not give life. Life gives life.

Forgiveness also does not give life. This also is the most understood doctrine, what salvation is. Untold thousands of people understand salvation as getting your sins forgiven. But that is not salvation. Yet, there are people, such as Calvinists, who think that salvation is getting your sins forgiven.

If your premise of what salvation is, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/10/2019

Christ Died For Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P20 (12-10-19)


Reading through Romans, we come to understand the purpose of the law. Recall the Jews were in slavery. When you are a slave, you are not free, but you are controlled by someone else. Now, when they are delivered out of slavery in Egypt, laws are needed to prevent anarchy and chaos. So God added laws for their benefit. But the Jews turned the law into a means for righteousness before God. The law was never meant for that.

As we discussed earlier, sin is the cause of man’s death, and the root of sin is the nature inherited from Adam, that says, “I will decide for myself what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil”. Now, if everyone does what is right in his own eyes, what happens? Lawlessness, disorder and chaos. So God initiated to man, wrote down what is right and wrong, and gave man the ten commandments. Now the law is not something to live by but something needed to restrain man from his own self destruction. Man was created to live in a dependent, loving relationship with the living God. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More