Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/22/2020

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P538 (05-22-20)


It is so common to be in a bible study and hear erroneous teaching. Yes, even preachers teach things that are false. Often times people are raised under denominational teaching since their youth, and repeat what they here as if it that is the truth. Why? I heard it in Sunday school. Sadly, many people would rather hold onto tradition, thinking it is of equal par with the scriptures. Others simply do not know the scriptures to discern truth from error. So how then can you discern what is true and what is error? Do you have to go to seminary and study Greek and Hebrew? No. If anyone lacks wisdom ask of God and He will give you wisdom without partiality.

First of all, to discern truth from error, you must be born again so that you can have the mind of Christ, so you can have the Spirit of God guide you into all truth. We will never be in a state where we do not need a continual renewing of the mind. But to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/11/2019

We Were Reconciled to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P21 (12-11-19)


This passage of scripture, in this 5th chapter of Romans, is one of the most important chapters in the entire bible. It takes the whole deal and encapsulates the entire gospel in Christ. Looking at just Romans 5:10, we have an explanation of how God reconciled the world unto himself. Sadly, many people have not understood the latter part of this verse, that we are saved by his life.

You are not saved by the death of Christ. You are saved by the life of Christ. His death is what was necessary to prepare us for salvation, and is necessary for salvation. For if Jesus did not die to take away the sins of the entire world, the next time man sinned he would die again. But death does not give life. Life gives life.

Forgiveness also does not give life. This also is the most understood doctrine, what salvation is. Untold thousands of people understand salvation as getting your sins forgiven. But that is not salvation. Yet, there are people, such as Calvinists, who think that salvation is getting your sins forgiven.

If your premise of what salvation is, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/10/2019

Christ Died For Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P20 (12-10-19)


Reading through Romans, we come to understand the purpose of the law. Recall the Jews were in slavery. When you are a slave, you are not free, but you are controlled by someone else. Now, when they are delivered out of slavery in Egypt, laws are needed to prevent anarchy and chaos. So God added laws for their benefit. But the Jews turned the law into a means for righteousness before God. The law was never meant for that.

As we discussed earlier, sin is the cause of man’s death, and the root of sin is the nature inherited from Adam, that says, “I will decide for myself what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil”. Now, if everyone does what is right in his own eyes, what happens? Lawlessness, disorder and chaos. So God initiated to man, wrote down what is right and wrong, and gave man the ten commandments. Now the law is not something to live by but something needed to restrain man from his own self destruction. Man was created to live in a dependent, loving relationship with the living God. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/22/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P2 (10-22-19)


Bob George now starts in the book of Romans, after providing some introductory background on the life of Paul. Through just the first seven verses of Romans, Bob explains the meaning of words, such as sin, forgiveness, sanctified (set apart), slave, ambassador, saint, truth, gospel, obedience and faith, that we often take for granted, and such words are often not properly understood. The Greek language provides a more precise rendering that helps our understanding in some cases.

The gospel is the message of good news of Jesus Christ and Paul is called as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to bring this good news and explain it to the Gentile world. Ambassador is not a short term function he is assigned to do. He is called as an ambassador, as an identification or designation. It is like the word forgiveness. It not something we get but something we already have. An ambassador for God is one who represents God in a foreign country, the place on earth, to proclaim truth.

Now truth to be truth, truth must be universal, for all people, for all times and for all places. The prosperity gospel … Listen to Broadcast & Read More