Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/05/2020

Jesus Took Away All Sins on The Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P542 (06-05-20)


It is so wonderful to hear people call in to get answers to their questions. People are looking for truth, and desire to grow in Christ, from the newest believer to those serving as deacons. Pastors and teachers are a gift to the body of Christ, to equip them for works of service. A pastor cannot get bogged down in waiting on tables, but must have time in the word of God and time equipping a group of men, so that they too can counsel and disciple others. Recall the great commission Jesus spoke about to the eleven men he reached and sent out. He told them to teach them to teach others to obey everything He has taught them and to make disciples of men.

Now, to a new believer who asks you advice on how to stop doing the things he used to do as a non-believer, what would you tell him? So many people would tell him to do this and not do that, and it amounts to legalism. You share with him that he is a new babe in Christ, and to get to know the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/04/2020

The Sin of The World is Unbelief in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P541 (06-04-20)


People have often called into the radio program to ask for more clarity on scripture passages they find difficult to understand. One common one question asked is what about “falling away” and “not being brought back to repentance“ and this “expectation of raging fire” in Hebrews 6:6? The common mistake people do is not read the book of Hebrews all the way through several times over, and then asking the Spirit of God to reveal the meaning of it to you. They tend to focus on one verse out of its entire context, and think of all kinda of fearful thoughts. What is that sin? Did I commit it? So Bob highlights some other passages that gives greater to clarity the scripture in question.

In addition to Hebrews 6:6, look also at Hebrews 9:22, Hebrews 10:11-12, Hebrews 10:17-18 and Hebrews 10:26-29. When you read through those passages, you will see that what the writer of Hebrews is talking about is the sin of unbelief in Jesus, where a religious Jew is sinning against the knowledge of the truth, who wants to go back to the day of atonement to get … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/22/2020

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P538 (05-22-20)


It is so common to be in a bible study and hear erroneous teaching. Yes, even preachers teach things that are false. Often times people are raised under denominational teaching since their youth, and repeat what they here as if it that is the truth. Why? I heard it in Sunday school. Sadly, many people would rather hold onto tradition, thinking it is of equal par with the scriptures. Others simply do not know the scriptures to discern truth from error. So how then can you discern what is true and what is error? Do you have to go to seminary and study Greek and Hebrew? No. If anyone lacks wisdom ask of God and He will give you wisdom without partiality.

First of all, to discern truth from error, you must be born again so that you can have the mind of Christ, so you can have the Spirit of God guide you into all truth. We will never be in a state where we do not need a continual renewing of the mind. But to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/08/2020

God Jesus Father and Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P534 (05-08-20)


Listen as people call to get answers to their questions. Some people want help in how to witness, or get clarification on explaining the Trinity, because they get into these conversations with people who deny the Trinity. The Trinity is that there is one God but three persons all being God; that is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We may not be able to comprehend it but we can apprehend it because of what has been written down in the scriptures of what Jesus said. The key advice Bob shares is do not try to put flesh and blood on Spirit. That is where people get into trouble. Then Bob used an illustration of an egg to try to explain the concept of the Trinity. Egg white, egg yolk and an egg shell are all distinct characteristics of an egg, but each one individually is still an egg.

After explaining the concept of the Trinity from the scriptures, Bob addresses a caller who is getting tangled up in a conversation with those who deny the Trinity. Bob says, “I believe the denial of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/07/2020

Repent And Believe Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P533 (05-07-20)


The subject of forgiveness comes up quite often by people who call into the Classic Christianity radio program. It is still today the most commonly asked questions. Why did Jesus say that if you do not forgive your brother, neither will I forgive you? What happens when I sin? Should I ask God to forgive me? What do I do when I sin? These are the most commonly asked questions. Then you have questions about baptism and how to live this new life God has given.

First of all, what is sin? Most people think of sin as the nasty five, the terrible twelve or the dirty dozen, where you rate lying maybe as a 2, stealing a 4, adultery an 8 and murder a 10. But what is the root of all sin? What are the attitudes of the heart, such as anger and lust that leads to the sin? Jesus even said if you look lustfully at a girl you have already committed adultery, and so too with hatred being murder. Let us go deeper than that. What did Adam do in the garden of Eden before the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P532 (05-01-20)


Listen to Bob answer some common questions people ask still today. Why do I get angry? Is anger a sin? How do I deal with anger? Then you have questions about the Mormons who come knocking on your door. What do they believe? Should I listen to them? Should I let them in? What about Islam and Judaism? Do they worship the same God as Christians?

First of all, anger is a secondary response to fear. It is normal to the human experience, and yes it is sin. So is impatience and not being kind, and anything that is not love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. So what Jesus is really getting us to realize and to look at is the attitudes of our heart. He wants us to come to him by faith and to continue walking by faith. Know that there is no condemnation for you, who are in Christ Jesus. Learn to abide in Him, to walk in the Spirit, as Jesus explained to us in the parable of the vine and the branches (John 15). We will still fail at times, for that is so … Listen to Broadcast & Read More