Radio Broadcast Monday 02/26/2024

Jesus Changes Everything

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P71 (02-26-24)

Jesus Changes Everything, Rest in Him Alone

~ When you come to Jesus and the Holy Spirit comes to live in you, He starts stripping away your dependencies on all things except Christ Jesus. Many have been kicked out of churches for preaching the truth about forgiveness being finished at the cross. Some of you have lost friends and close relatives because you realized it is ALL Jesus and nothing of yourself and when you share that with others, they don’t want to hear it. And we have to understand that God separates us from those within the world. And the more that you dive into the word of God and rest in the finality of the cross, the more you realize the major lies that people are believing from that of religion. Yet there are some, that like to hold on to tradition no matter what. And that is NOT good. For the Holy Spirit wants to teach us truth yet some place up road blocks to learning the truth of the word of God. Some need to be reminded that church is Not a building on the corner of walk … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/25/2024

Faith Says Thank You For Forgiveness

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P901 (01-25-24)

Faith Says Thank You to God For Completed Forgiveness at the Cross

~ Today, we have a world filled with false teachers that continue to spread the lies of Satan in regards to getting more forgiveness by God. Most people refuse to walk by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. They have not finalized the cross in their own minds, and they keep on asking God for what He has already done. There is no more forgiveness that God is going to give out. Forgiveness was completed at the cross. No one, NO ONE gets their sins forgiven today, because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And God is never going to go to the cross again. And when He returns, he is not coming back to earth to deal with sin, He is returning to bring ultimate salvation for all the saints waiting for Him.

Stop listening to the false teachers that spread the lies of Satan today. Stop programming your mind with false teaching, and there is an abundance of false teaching going on today. Instead freely allow the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/11/2024

Come Let Us Reason Together Says God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P897 (01-11-24)

Come Let Us Reason Together Says God

~ Satan loves stirring up the mind of the true child of God to make them doubt their salvation because Satan or other demons will whisper in your ear or even hearing through false teachers and agents of Satan that God is upset with you or disappointed with you when you don’t toe the line so to speak. We need to come to realize that is NOT God talking to us. For the cross took away all your sins, and God is no longer counting your sins against you. Keep in mind, 99.99% of pastors and teachers are teaching Satan’s lies. And we need to understand that and listen to the Holy Spirit teach us TRUTH. We need to stop listening to Satan’s false ministers of righteousness. There is NOTHING good in them. If a pastor or teacher doesn’t understand and properly teach that all your sins were forgiven at the cross and that there is no longer any more forgiveness given by God, then don’t listen to anything they have to say. For they will be teaching you many other lies besides that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/03/2023

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P16 (10-03-23)

Are You Resting in The Finished Work of Jesus Christ?

~ When most people hear the word, “Faith” mentioned in the bible most think of simply believing something without seeing anything at all. To most people, faith is a type of “blind faith.” Yet, they place their faith in the teaching of other people. They place their faith in their religious upbringing. They place their faith in science and technology. They place their faith in man. They place their faith in their own understanding of things. But true faith is a very practical word. And it is not just a biblical word either. Faith is applying proper responses to Truth. Faith is when a person is given knowledge of understanding of something (no matter what that is), and then they apply faith in their own life by excising faith with a proper response. Most people will NOT exercise faith when it comes to the word of God. They hear something in the word of God and it goes in one ear and out the other. As we have seen repeatedly, most do not believe everyone’s sins were forgiven on the cross. They … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/02/2023

Walk by Faith in His Spirit

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P15 (10-02-23)

Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, Rather Than God?

~ We see in the word of God where the apostle Paul tells it like it is. He did not beat around the bush, but he was bold in his declarations of the word of God. He was not striving to please men, but was working on God’s behalf. He received the gospel from direct revelation of Jesus Christ. But here is the thing, many today have also received the gospel, but instead of walking boldly in Christ Jesus, and telling it like it is (ALL your sins were forgiven at the cross and there is no more forgiveness being given by God AND the issue is Life, the Spirit’s life giving eternal life the moment you place faith in Jesus), they shrink back and don’t correct people or simply overlook error. They let things go and would rather seek the approval of men rather than God. They don’t want to rock the boat.

How many times have we heard, ask God to get your sins forgiven? How many times have we heard a sermon given that at the end … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/15/2023

Salvation is Not by Works

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P870 (09-15-23)

How Do We Know We Are Saved? What is the Gospel That Saves?

~ So many people today are confused as to what even is the true gospel that saves a person. Many people have added to the gospel that truly saves. There are so many false teachers on television, radio and the Internet, that are preaching a different gospel than the ONE gospel that saves a person. And one of the most twisted deceptions that Satan has thrown at the world are ALL the different false gospel messages, that makes many people believe they are saved when they are not. For most people, when you talk with them, don’t even understand what salvation is. Most people falsely believe that salvation is when they get their sins forgiven, based on their asking God to forgive them. They don’t realize that God has already forgiven them at the cross, and that God is NOT counting anyone’s sins against them today. And there is only one sin that needs to be repented of (a change of mind), of the person and work of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, who took upon himself … Listen to Broadcast & Read More