Radio Broadcast Monday 04/12/2021

Vine and Branches

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P28 (04-12-21)


So we are to avoid those who teach things contrary to sound doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, we are to rely on the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, to reveal truth to our innermost being, so we can walk in the newness of life. For it is for freedom that Christ set us free. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Does your heart yearn to know the truth? Consider the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son. What do these stories tell us about the heart of God, His love and acceptance of us, His compassion and understanding of us in our weak and dead condition. He seeks out the sinner that he might restore him back to Himself. Such is the love of God. Indeed, we love because He first loved us. He initiated His love to us first, and we respond to that love.

So the Holy Spirit teaches us about the love of God, that we may walk as Jesus did. Jesus walked in perfect love. God is Spirit, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/07/2021

A Closer Look at The Word of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P27 (04-07-21)


In this life, it is sad when those you minister to the most hurt you the most. This happened to the apostle Paul, to Jesus, and still happens today. So how do we fight such things? Not by the weapons of this world. Not with envy, strife, or jealousy, or revenge. No, we fight with truth. Truth is what sets people free. Think about Peter who betrayed Jesus. Jesus told him ahead of time what he would do, but that he prayed for him, and after he returned, to go strengthen his brothers. We like redemption stories like that, and all of us have been redeemed, who are in Christ Jesus. God is always about our restoration. He uses truth to restore people to proper functioning. For the truth shall set you free.

So what are the weapons used against false teachers? Truth. Will truth always be well received? No. All the apostles were martyred for speaking truth, except the apostle John. But he was persecuted for the truth and was exiled to the island of Patmos. Yet, even from there, we have the rich prophetic … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/06/2021

Jesus Word of God Warnings

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P26 (04-06-21)


The word of God we hold in our hands is the plumbline for truth. We have the evidence and testimony written down through those who were eyewitnesses, affirming that this message is of divine origin. This message came to us from God. Even the apostles testify of the apostle Paul’s writings were from God, and Paul himself testified that no one else taught him except Jesus Christ. Knowing that is where truth is found, and discerned as true as the Spirit of God living in you reveals truth to you, then do you weigh the words of men carefully through the scriptures as to whether what they say are true or not?

Do you believe in Baptist doctrine as true because you were born Baptist and listened to a Baptist preacher? Do you believe Mormon doctrine because someone claimed they heard from an angel of God? Do you listen to a priest who says something is true because of something called oral tradition? How do you know what men say are true? Do you go to your favorite preacher? Do you go to Bob George? What … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/05/2021

A Closer Look at The Word of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P25 (04-05-21)


Can you spot a false teacher, or at least be alert to a red flag of the possibility of someone being a false teacher? Where do you look for truth to discern these things? The scriptures as written down through the prophets and the apostles, that we hold in our hands today. But first of all, you must be born again, having a new birth, where the Spirit of God is placed in you at the moment of that new spiritual birth. Only then do you have the mind of Christ to begin to discern truth from the word of God as you read the scriptures.

If so, allow the Holy Spirit to teach you so you are not led astray. Do not put up with any other gospel than the one the apostle Paul preached. Do you know what the apostle Paul preached? Not by what your pastor said or your denomination, but what the apostle Paul preached, that you read yourself and understood by the Spirit. So you must rely on the Spirit to reveal truth to you. He is the only one who … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/31/2021

Jesus is the Spirit of Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P24 (03-31-21)


There is one thing in Matthew that Jesus emphasized more than anything else. He said to not let any man deceive you? Are you growing in discernment? Have you discerned, first of all, that you are a child of God. One way to know that is to be intellectually honest with yourself, and ask, “What are the attitudes of my heart?”, “What are the motives of my heart?”, “Why did I come to Christ?”, or “What did I believe when I came to Christ?” We are told in scripture to test and see if you are in the faith. Did what I believe agree with what the gospel is as revealed in the scriptures? Or, do the things of God sound like foolishness to me?

If you truly have come to Christ, first for who He is, recognizing who you are, and who you were, and accepting Him into your life as your Lord and your Savior, and that has been done by faith, then you are a child of God, and if so, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you, and He will give … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/30/2021

Jesus the Word of God is Our Compass

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P23 (03-30-21)


What does God look at? Does He not look at the attitudes of the heart? Are you humble and teachable, open to listening to the living and active word of God, and allow that word to renew your mind with truth? Is there a dependence on the Holy Spirit, for Him to live His life in and through you? Or, are you leaning on your own understanding, having not known God or His ways? What is the motive of your heart? Men cannot weigh motives, but God can see right through any one of us. Do we do things to get accolades from men, to get money and power and fame? Do we do things to make a name for ourselves? Or do we do things, as Jesus did, to bring honor to the one who sent us? As Bob explains, with an illustration of the radar system navigating a pilot, are you letting the radar, who lives in you, direct your paths, and destination? Or, are you so proud that you think you can fly the plane of life without a radar? What mountains have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More