Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/11/2020

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P54 (03-11-20)


In this world today, we hear a lot about not judging one another. Often times, people think judging someone is akin to someone hitting you in the face, and then tells you that you are judging him for hitting you in the face when that is clearly what he just did. You have a bloody nose to testify of that. Well, that is not judging. That is telling the truth. Judging is when you get into the motives of why someone hit you in the face. Well, this is the kind of judging Paul is addressing that was occurring in Romans, that believers should not be doing.

There is this judging going on over disputable matters, casting judgment on those whose faith is weak. What he is saying here is that there is such a thing as faith that is weak. What would weak faith be in comparison to strong faith? Weak faith would be believing that what you are doing is what is establishing your relationship with God. You ignored what God did for you. What is important to you is what I am doing for God. That is weak … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/10/2020

Jesus is Love and His Love in us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P53 (03-10-20)


Someone says to you they have never sinned. What would you tell him? Take him to 1 Corinthians 13, and tell him to replace every occurrence of “love” with his name, and ask him how well he is doing in the love department. If he is married, you can also ask him if he would put his wife on the line. You want to ask his wife what she thinks of her husband.

The truth of the matter is that all of us have fallen short, all of us have sinned, and we cannot live perfectly in this flesh of ours. If we were to die, and then we were to stand before God in our own righteousness, then how righteous I am next to Bob is not the issue. How righteous am I next to Jesus is the question. We are made to be dependent on Jesus, letting Him to live His life in and through us. This is called walking by the Spirit so you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.

That is why it says to rejoice in your weakness. Until you see you are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/09/2020

Let Jesus Live His Life Through You

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P52 (03-09-20)


In Romans 12, we learned what true worship is. True worship is making your body available on a continual basis to Jesus, who lives in you, to live His life through you. It is giving access to Him. We were and never are able to live the Christian life. Jesus explained to us how we were created to function in the parable of the vine and the branches. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. The vine produces the fruit and the branch bears the fruit. The same way in the life of someone who is born again. We cannot produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Jesus living in us, is who produces the fruit. A branch can only bear the fruit, and the only way that it can bear the fruit is by abiding in the life of the vine to let it live its life in and through you. We cannot produce the fruit.

The Holy Spirit in the man is indispensable to the proper functioning of the man. We were not designed to determine right from wrong … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/04/2020

Unity of the Spirit in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P51 (03-03-20)


Have you ever wondered what your spiritual gift is? Maybe you already know? Bob shares a life example to help you discern your spiritual gift. Suppose a child spills a glass of milk at a church gathering, what would your immediate response be? With this simple example, you can more readily see if you are a servant, encourager, admonisher, teacher, or leader.

Read along in Romans 12, as Paul describes the spiritual gifts and then explains their purpose. Their purpose is not to edify or serve yourself, but to serve, edify and benefit the body. So the gifts are given by God, as He apportioned them to each member of the body, to serve one another in love. Bob then turns to Ephesians 4, another passage that provides more details on the purpose of the body. Ponder also on these verses in Ephesians 3:14-20, Romans 8:9 and Matthew 28:19-20.

Bob then explains what Trinity is. The reason people have difficulty understanding Trinity is because they try to put flesh and blood on them. You cannot do that. God is Spirit. You cannot see Spirit. Bob uses the illustration of an egg; … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/03/2020

Jesus is Head of the Church

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P50 (03-03-20)


This flesh of ours is so contrary to the Spirit. We are instructed in the scriptures to walk in the Spirit so we do not carry out the desires of the flesh. The flesh likes to be puffed up and so prone to becoming proud. Recall that even the apostle Paul testified of his struggle in the flesh. Because of such divine revelations he received from God, God thought it best that Paul needed to be buffeted by a thorn in the flesh lest he is overcome with pride. Paul prayed three times for this thorn to be removed, but God said “No. My grace is sufficient for you.” So the apostle Paul replied to God, and said, “I delight in my weaknesses for when I am weak then I am strong.” So Paul is exhorting believers to not think more highly of themselves than they ought.

Consider how God has created this new body of believers, made up of all those who are born again, who are connected by one head, who is Christ Jesus. Jesus is the head of the church. He is the one who directs each individual … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/02/2020

Be a Servant of Jesus Christ

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P49 (03-02-20)


As a born again believer, do you know who you are? Do you call yourself by what church you attend, whether Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, or something else. That is where you park your body on Sunday morning, or Saturday morning, but that is not who you are. When you are born again, having the Holy Spirit taking permanent residence in you, you are placed into the body of Christ, with Christ as your head. All those who are truly born again are connected to the same head, and that is Christ Jesus, so you belong to one another. You are brothers and sisters in Christ.

So what is your identity? Is it based on what you do? Are you a pastor because you do pastoring? Are you a teacher because you teach? No, those may be gifts you use as given to you by God for serving one another in love, and building one another up in the faith. But what do people often do? They often boast about what the body is doing or they exalt one person as more spiritual than another because of the position of teaching they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More