Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/12/2019

Classic Christianity - Bible Studies - Victory Over Depression

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P455 (7-12-19)

So many people are in bondage due to error, whether from legalism or from false teaching or harsh, condemning words they believed to be true. Todd expressed the error he has heard from Baptist churches, that is really double talk, that only leads to being unstable in all your ways and living a defeated life. How can someone say you have to confess your sins to keep in fellowship with God and also say all your past, present and future sins have been forgiven? There is so much incorrect teaching from a poor translation of 1 John 1:9 and from passages in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, where people do not understand the difference between the Old Covenant that the Jews and Jesus lived under and the New Covenant that Jesus spoke about. Because of such error, people are living defeated lives and certainly not the abundant life Jesus promised. Salvation is also not properly taught or understood.

Here is the problem. We stopped at the cross for salvation. The cross does not save anyone. The resurrection is what saves you. The cross was preparatory for salvation. It … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/18/2019

Jesus Life Saves a Person

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P432 (4-18-19)

Bob George received a call from Jim who simply asked if love is more important than faith. Bob answered from scripture that love indeed is greater than faith because love is from God and God is love. God initiated love to us and we respond to that love in faith. So faith is man’s response to love. Do we accept his love or do we reject it? Do we even understand that love? Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.

Bob George also received a call from a young college lady, Lynn, who had found herself in an unwanted situation. She had committed fornication and is now pregnant. She wanted to know if abortion was wrong. Bob graciously shared truth with her, that abortion indeed is the sin of murder. Bob graciously provided practical advice and explained the truth of God’s unconditional love toward her. He shared such practical wisdom to help her make choices in line with who she is as a born again believer. God created life and this child she has was a life God intended to live. So if the life of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/28/2019

What About 1 John 1:9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P418 (2-28-19)

Bob George RadioBob answers questions from John, Rich, Mark and Ron, callers from four different states. John was calling to get advice, or rather for encouragement to do the right thing, in regards to what he had been doing in supporting his niece and her husband. They are unmarried and unbelievers living in sin, and now have three children. John has been enabling a bum and an irresponsible father and that must stop. John has been enabling them. Rich called to ask about how to really forgive someone who has wronged you and the associated feelings that go along with not being able to forgive someone. If Jesus is in you, and He is your life, and He has forgiven him then you forgive him. It is really the love of Jesus, being attached to Him, that any love and forgiveness from us is produced. And do let Satan mess you up with lies. Feelings respond to whatever thoughts you are pondering over. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, proclaiming truth from God’s word, trusting truth over lies, letting Him renew your mind. Mark called to ask about what happens … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/01/2018

Classic Christianity – Call-In Bob George p389 (11-01-18)

Bob George RadioThis is a re-broadcast of the original People to People radio by Bob George, reaching out to hurting people for over 30 years. He has reached out to several believers who have lived in error and many have simply called to thank him for sharing truth that helped them walk in new freedom in Christ. The first caller, Todd, through listening to Bob and through reading the word of God on his own, has called to express what he discovered is erroneous teaching in the church he is a member. He called to get Bob’s feedback on what he has been learning in regards to the false teaching of the necessity to confess sin to remain in fellowship with God. The second caller, Dennis, called to thank Bob for helping him understand truth that allowed to him have joy again in living the new life in Christ. Legalism had robbed him of joy. Bob shared some instruction on how legalism feeds depression, and legalism comes from mixing law and grace. He spoke such encouraging words to Dennis. The third caller, Janine, called from great brokenness, expressing guilt that was compounded by words … Listen to Broadcast & Read More