Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/12/2022

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P14 (04-12-22)

In Christ You Are a Saint!!!

Just like a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christian’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching shifting opinions in general, confusion in the world than ever before Christian’s need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs, and build their lives. The word of God declares that Jesus Christ is that foundation of Truth with that in mind, let’s now take “A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ.”

Join Bob George now as he continues teaching out the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ. Order your copy today from our online store at .

Well, the caterpillar kind of sits there and crawls around a little bit. And says, you know, my there’s something missing in my life because if I was made with a capacity to be something different than I am, then it’s probably because I haven’t yet, become what I’m supposed to, is why this emptiness inside of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/11/2022

We Are a New Creation in Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P13 (04-11-22)

You’re No Longer a Caterpillar – You’re a Butterfly!

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Join Bob George as he continues teaching out the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ. Order your copy today from our online store at .

I couldn’t help thinking as we’re beginning the broadcast today, that we’ve said so many times that in my opinion, the fastest way to grow spiritually is in a small group home Bible study. A number of years ago here in this country, I had the opportunity to talk to, about probably I think it was around 16 pastors from Britain who were over here at a conference. And as I went around speaking to them, I asked them the question, where did you really grow? And when did you grow in your spiritual experience? And the one pastor said, well, I was in college, and I was in a small group Bible study and that’s where I grew. What about you? Well, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/06/2022

Revealed to Us by His Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P12 (04-06-22)

God Has Revealed To Us By His Spirit

Join Bob George as he continues teaching out the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ. Order your copy today from our online store at .

Children, born not of natural descent. In other words, not born out of water, not born out of the will of your mom and dad nor of human decision or a husband’s will. Husband’s will, we’re going to have a baby. That’s not the kind of birth He’s talking about. Let’s talk about, but born of God. Now, let me read that again yet to all who received Him to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, you’re of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

So, folks, when we are born of God, we have a new identity. Now, when we are born of a husband’s will or of natural descent, well, we’ve got an identity of my father. In other words, my dad was Franklin George. My name … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/05/2022

Born Free

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P11 (04-05-22)

You Must be Born Again of The Spirit! Now Walk Into His Presence Calling Him Abba Daddy Father!

Starting in our lesson here in Chapter 2 dealing with the fact that from God’s vantage point, there are only two kinds of men, those in Adam and we talked about a person who is in Adam, is called a sinner. You’re not a sinner because you sin, you sin because you’re a sinner, you are dead. It’s called spiritual death, you’re a natural man. You’re a sinner. You’re in Adam. That’s all a part of being in Adam. You’re also called a natural man.

The opposite of that is called a spiritual man. What is that? That is one who has been transferred from a sinner to a saint. A sinner is an unbeliever. A saint is a believer. It’s one who is born again. I’m not a saint because I act like one. I’m not a sinner because I act like one. What, I’m a sinner because you are one. And you’re a saint, because you are one. That’s just that, just the way it is. Yes. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/04/2022

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P10 (04-04-22)

The Lost Are Under The Influence of The Ruler of The Kingdom of the Air

Now, the same thing was true in Russia. When Amy would have been a Russian citizen that they, she was in Russia. That meant she was in the entire system. She was in that country. She was under their jurisdiction. She was under their supervision and therefore, the decisions that were made, made by the government, totally affected their lives. Now those decisions made by a government under demagoguery, under communism, that type of thing, obviously, affect the citizens in an adverse way more than in a democracy, but the fact of the matter is in both cases, you are totally affected by those decisions. So when I am in Adam, it’s like I am a citizen of Adam, I belong to him. I’m a part of him. He’s the head of my family and as such, he’s left us his name, his nature, his inheritance and his destiny. You and I are born into this world in Adam. I have two ears, and a nose, and two eyes, because Adam had … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/30/2022

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P09 (03-30-22)

In Christ Jesus You are a Child of God – A Saint

I don’t think there’s a more important subject that we can deal with than our identity. First of all, I think the most important subject that we have to deal with is His identity and that’s Christ. And of course not only do most people, not only not know who He is, but because we don’t know who He is, we don’t know who we are. And so we really don’t know a whole lot when it comes right down to it. I think the other thing is because we’re in such a mindset that our identity comes from what we do, that the reality of that is and the problem with that is, we go out and do something and we don’t even know who it is that did it. If we don’t understand who we are, so when my identity is in what I do, I can say well I do this, I’m a preacher. I’m a basketball player. I’m a housewife, but if that’s according to what I’m doing in otherwards, if … Listen to Broadcast & Read More