Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/16/2023

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P887 (11-16-23)

There Are Many Professors of Jesus and Then There are True Possessors of Jesus

~ Today the world is filled with many false Christians everywhere you look. Many many people will name the name of Jesus, but when it comes right down to it, they believe in a different Jesus. They don’t have the Holy Spirit living in them. For they profess the name of Jesus but don’t possess His Holy Spirit living in them. They are believing every wind of doctrine today that comes from man. They refuse to exercise faith. They refuse to reason together with the Holy Spirit. They are basing things on their own understanding and bring up to themselves what their itching ears want to hear. And it should not surprise us that during these last days the Spirit of God is revealing the truth of what is going on. We are in a time where the tares are becoming more and more visible before the harvest. They are showing their true colors. Come let us reason together says the Lord. Most people will not reason (exercise faith) with God. Details matter on everything. Pay attention … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/10/2019

A Closer Look Bible Studies

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P439 (5-10-19)

Bob answers several questions from radio callers on the original People to People radio that was on the air for over 30 years. Andy asked about what day believers should celebrate Christmas for he heard that that date was really the birthday of a pagan god and Christmas has pagan origins. Bob answered that the date is not important for you are not celebrating a date but the birth of Christ. Bob’s advice is to not get involved in disputable issues.

Julie called to ask Bob about his viewpoint on living with someone outside of marriage. Julie was rationalizing her sin of fornication, specifically called out in scripture as sinful behavior. We should never get to the point of calling something good that is bad, calling something other than what God calls it, which is sin. We may not be able to carry it out and that is why Christ came to dwell in you by His Spirit. But if you do not deal with what is true then how then can you change to live in the new way of the Spirit that God has called you to live as … Listen to Broadcast & Read More