Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 39 (07-01-19)
Bob George continues sharing from the gospel of John. He shared about how the disciples waited in Galilee to receive the promised Holy Spirit. That day they were born again. When they received the Holy Spirit, they were changed men. Before they were once cowardly and fearful, hiding in a room fearing for their lives, and now they are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ boldly before men. There are those in the crowd who were drawn to hear the teachings of Jesus. So too was Nicodemus, a religious Pharisee. Unlike the other Pharisees, he wanted to know the will of God. Nicodemus had said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” The other Pharisees were like Communists or politicians of today, not wanting to hear truth, but just spin a story. They hated Jesus without reason. Jesus came full of grace and truth. This is very evident in John 8 in how he restores a woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees set her up in order try to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More