Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/02/2019

Jesus Took Your Sins Away

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 2 (04-02-19)

Bob George TeachingBob George teaches from the book of John, with particular focus on the doctrine of the Trinity. He encourages the listener to let the Spirit of God teach you doctrine through the word of God. Bob addresses such topics as knowing what the word of God means (doctrine), what is the doctrine of the Trinity and where the doctrine of the Trinity comes from, what does the Spirit look like, what do you believe and why do you believe it, the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching you the meaning of His word, the application of doctrine to your life, the conflict of the flesh and the Spirit, choices as a child of God, who can become a child of God, law and grace before Moses, and law and punishment. He shares from supporting scriptures to encourage the listener to internalize truths concerning Christ and yourself. His hope, and the hope of those in Christ, is for the listener to understand personally the forgiveness of sin and the receiving of new life in Christ. You can walk in that new life today. Bob emphasized again that truth is revealed to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/01/2019

Jesus is Our Righteousness

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 1 (04-01-19)

Bob George TeachingBefore getting into the teaching in the book of John, Bob George first starts a review on biblical interpretation. From 2 Timothy 3:16, he provides a framework of understanding what is meant by scriptures as being inspired by God. He explains that the original manuscripts are inspired and scriptures we have today are translations. Although translations are not inspired, they are translated from God’s inspired word of God into languages known by the reader. In particular, the Septuagint, a translation of the Old Testament Hebrew into Greek, often quoted by Jesus, is a trustworthy translation. Other translations exist today, and we have many in English so we can read in our own language.

2 Timothy 3:16
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

Bob opens by reading 2 Timothy 3:16 from the King James Version translation. Bob made a specific point to quote from the King James Version to explain how one needs to show proper discernment when reading from a translation since only the original manuscripts are inspired. This is the only translation that correctly … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/07/2019

Classic Christianity

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P420 (3-07-19)

Bob George RadioSeveral callers called Bob George for insight into common questions many of us have asked before or thought about. What is humility? Can I make myself humble? What does it mean that Jesus intercedes for me when all my future sins are forgiven? Is the King James version the only reliable translation today? How did translations come about and how are they different? If Adam never ate of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, what would have happened? What would you share with some one who says that we are still under law today? In John 15, what does it mean if we fail to remain on the vine? Is it really saying we will be thrown into hell?

Andy called to ask about humility. Humility is not something we strive to become or get. Life circumstances humbles us, as we are weak in our natural selves, and attitudes in our hearts sometimes are not in line with who we are spiritually. When we look down at someone in our heart, the Spirit prompts us about our attitude that needs correction. So we are always under the Lord’s … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/06/2019

Vine and Branches

Classic Christianity Radio (03-06-19) – Classic Christianity Part 3

Bob George TeachingBob George explains how we have the need for meaning and purpose in our life. We look to find fulfillment in life through things in this world that we think satisfy, but then find ourselves dependent or controlled by such things, and find that we are never completely satisfied. We ultimately found ourselves dependent on people or things for needs that can only be met through Jesus Christ.

Bob George explains our need of unconditional love and acceptance. We want others to love us. If you looked at 1 Corinthians 13, and demanded your spouse to fulfill all those characteristics listed there, what kind of unrealistic expectations are you putting on your spouse? Yet, we try to control others to ensure our needs are met and are woefully disappointed. We have unmet expectations, and in so doing we attempt to control other people to ensure our needs are met. You cannot get other people to produce these characteristics. We try to get that need of unconditional love and acceptance met by others but that is a spiritual need that can only be met by Jesus Christ.

Bob George explains how we … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/05/2019

The Love of Jesus

Classic Christianity Radio (03-05-19) – Classic Christianity Part 2

Bob George TeachingBob explains the meaning of being filled with the Spirit, to be controlled by the love of God. Bob shared how the scriptures interpret itself, revealing the meaning from context. By looking at Ephesians 3 helps you better understand Ephesians 5. So too with all of the scriptures. Look at key phrases such as “so that” or “therefore”, and look more closely what follows or why it is there for. By learning to ask the right questions and then pondering over the scriptures for the answer is helpful to discern the meaning of God’s word. But widen the amount of scriptures you read. Read entire passages for a wider context while asking the Spirit to reveal truth to you. The wisdom of men is foolishness to God. We need the power of God to grasp truth. We need to renew our minds, pushing out the psychological, religious, and philosophical garbage out. We need error replaced with truth. So let us look to the Spirit to reveal truth to us through His word and allow Him to show us a better way. This is the better way; the way of love, His … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/04/2019

Understanding What The Bible Means

Classic Christianity Radio (03-04-19) – Classic Christianity Part 1

Bob George TeachingBob shares a message on what it means to be controlled by the Spirit of God, or to be filled with the Spirit of God. Bob explains how man has so much error in his thinking and such error has to replaced with truth. Many churches encourage the memorization of scriptures and that could be good or bad. The same scripture can be used to help or hurt people. If one does not understand the meaning of the word of God, not understanding the context in which the scripture was written, then the same scripture can be used to confuse or even hurt people. To make his point clear, Bob cites the example of Satan trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness by quoting scripture out of context. And how many ways are people confused on what it means to be filled with the Spirit. Bob cites examples of holy laughter, being slain in the Spirit, or being filled a second time, as examples of erroneous teaching. Bob explains what being filled with the Spirit means by looking at the broader context of the book of Ephesians. Ephesians 3, for example, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More