Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/16/2021

Jesus in The Beginning

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P5 (02-16-21)


You cannot separate the word of God from the person of God. They are so intertwined. When God says something it is a total reflection of who He is. You cannot separate who He is from what He says. They are one and the same, unlike us. God is not like us. When someone asks us, “How are you doing?”, we say, “Fine” when we know very well we are not fine. We can be phony. God is never phony. When God speaks, it is always truth.

The scriptures are the very words of God and Jesus, who is God, quoted from His own words. When scriptures prophecy something is going to happen, it happens as recorded in the scripture. Scriptures spoke of what is going to be fulfilled in Christ long before the unfolding events happen, and those events happen just as the Word says it will happen.

Throughout His earthly ministry Jesus validated the Word of God as the absolute standard of truth. The gospels record Jesus making almost 160 quotations from or allusions to the Old Testament. Three-fourths of the books in the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/10/2020

Jesus Said You Will Have Tribulation

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P592 (12-10-20)


We all have many questions as we are growing in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are continuing to grow until the day we die. So we will go through trials and tribulations in this fallen world we live in. People will cause us harm or emotional pain by the choices they make, and at times, we will slip up and do that to others. So how do we deal with such things, as we get into different situations in life?

Are we supposed to claim verses as promises of God for us, like the “name it and claim it” people do, or just say whatever God’s will is, and be okay with that? Do we attribute something as God’s will when it is really the will of some other man walking in the flesh? Some of our questions are not even about trials and tribulations, but we hear something from someone that kind of throws us off. We kind of get shaken up a little bit, or start having doubts about what the word of God means, or if I can trust this or … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/08/2019

Jesus Forgave You Believe It

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P490 (11-08-19)


It so encouraging, and so thrilling, to hear someone ask what it means to be born again, and then to readily accept the message, and become a child of God. When every day you share truth, and people hear truth, accept it as truth and see someone start walk in a new life. There is no greater joy to see people walking in truth.

Sometimes we get bogged down in our daily lives, being bombarded with legalism or teaching that just weighs us down. The day to day mundane things we do just seems to weigh us down at times. But to know that the time we ourselves get alone with the Lord, letting Him teach us the meaning of the word of God, and see the work God is doing in us. Then, as we simply share truth that has been revealed to us, that truth not only changes our own lives, but it overflows into the lives of others. That makes living so worthwhile.

Listen as Bob George shares with a young seminary student getting bogged down in his studies in theology that seems to distract him from … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/04/2019

Jesus is The Gospel

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P7 (11-04-19)


Are you ashamed of the gospel? There is no need to be ashamed. Why? It is the power of God unto salvation of all men. The gospel of righteousness in Christ Jesus is the only way man is to to be saved from God’s wrath. The righteousness of God has now been revealed. Paul also describes this wrath of God that is being revealed. Follow along in Romans 1:18-27, as Bob continues sharing from the book of Romans.

Bob shares also from Genesis 2, the origin of this wrath of God against sin. He explains how sin entered this world and what happened to the first created human beings on earth, of Adam and Eve in the garden, and the consequence of death to all men because of sin. He explains how the root of sin is the suppression of truth. Man suppresses truth in their unrighteousness and wickedness. From Romans, we come to understand this futile thinking of man that leads to greater and greater depravity. Man is born dead to God, born alive to this world but dead to God.

Their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/22/2019

The Apostle Paul

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P2 (10-22-19)


Bob George now starts in the book of Romans, after providing some introductory background on the life of Paul. Through just the first seven verses of Romans, Bob explains the meaning of words, such as sin, forgiveness, sanctified (set apart), slave, ambassador, saint, truth, gospel, obedience and faith, that we often take for granted, and such words are often not properly understood. The Greek language provides a more precise rendering that helps our understanding in some cases.

The gospel is the message of good news of Jesus Christ and Paul is called as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to bring this good news and explain it to the Gentile world. Ambassador is not a short term function he is assigned to do. He is called as an ambassador, as an identification or designation. It is like the word forgiveness. It not something we get but something we already have. An ambassador for God is one who represents God in a foreign country, the place on earth, to proclaim truth.

Now truth to be truth, truth must be universal, for all people, for all times and for all places. The prosperity gospel … Listen to Broadcast & Read More