Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/06/2022

Revealed to Us by His Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P12 (04-06-22)

God Has Revealed To Us By His Spirit

Join Bob George as he continues teaching out the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ. Order your copy today from our online store at .

Children, born not of natural descent. In other words, not born out of water, not born out of the will of your mom and dad nor of human decision or a husband’s will. Husband’s will, we’re going to have a baby. That’s not the kind of birth He’s talking about. Let’s talk about, but born of God. Now, let me read that again yet to all who received Him to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, you’re of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

So, folks, when we are born of God, we have a new identity. Now, when we are born of a husband’s will or of natural descent, well, we’ve got an identity of my father. In other words, my dad was Franklin George. My name … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/05/2022

Born Free

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P11 (04-05-22)

You Must be Born Again of The Spirit! Now Walk Into His Presence Calling Him Abba Daddy Father!

Starting in our lesson here in Chapter 2 dealing with the fact that from God’s vantage point, there are only two kinds of men, those in Adam and we talked about a person who is in Adam, is called a sinner. You’re not a sinner because you sin, you sin because you’re a sinner, you are dead. It’s called spiritual death, you’re a natural man. You’re a sinner. You’re in Adam. That’s all a part of being in Adam. You’re also called a natural man.

The opposite of that is called a spiritual man. What is that? That is one who has been transferred from a sinner to a saint. A sinner is an unbeliever. A saint is a believer. It’s one who is born again. I’m not a saint because I act like one. I’m not a sinner because I act like one. What, I’m a sinner because you are one. And you’re a saint, because you are one. That’s just that, just the way it is. Yes. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/16/2021

Jesus is The Mediator of the New Covenant

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P11 (06-16-21)


Faith is Understanding Jesus Forgave You Completely!

This New Covenant we are under today is a covenant of grace. When you think about what is the eternal inheritance that Jesus bought and secured for us, we cannot help but say, “Thank you, Jesus” and “Praise be to God for His marvelous grace.” This grace provided for us a new heart, the heart of God that is full of His love and compassion that we can access and allow to flow out of us. We have this unconditional acceptance, where we are free to fail without any condemnation, and can then boldly go to the throne of grace to instruct us, guide us into truth to correct our harmful behavior, with such tender-loving care. This is all part of this wonderful personal relationship with the living God, who rejoices over us, rejoices when we rejoice, and who delights in us. And to think that God, who created the entire vast universe with His spoken word, has such wonderful thoughts concerning me! He even knows every hair on my head.

Last, we have this wonderful promise of being eternally … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/02/2019

Press on to the High Calling

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 40 (07-02-19)

Bob George shares a very practical message of the meaning of the gospel as he continues sharing from the gospel of John. He begins in John 8, where Jesus identifies himself as the light of the world, contrasting darkness (the lost, the dead) with the light (the saved, with life). You are not going into the market place telling people how sinful they are but how dead they are. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins but only because of the sin of the rejection of life. If you reject life you remain dead (John 3:36). If you reject the offer of forgiveness you remain unforgiven. You who are in Christ have good news to tell people. It is a very practical message of the meaning of the gospel. You, who are in Christ Jesus, are His ambassadors.

Bob George explains why Jesus came to this earth to say what he did and do what he did, culminating in his death, burial and resurrection. He claimed to be God, demonstrating that he is God by the way he lived, the words he spoke, and even through the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message