Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/17/2021


Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P18 (03-17-21)


As was prophesied through the prophet Jeremiah, and explained more thoroughly in the book of Hebrews, we live today under a new covenant. Jeremiah and Jesus both lived under an old covenant. While Jesus was on this earth, He lived under an old covenant while speaking about a new covenant to come. He initiated a new covenant, or new will, after His death on a cross. Just as we have a will today that only goes into effect after the person living dies, so too with this new covenant Jesus spoke about, that also the writer of Hebrews explains.

The old covenant was one of law, like a tutor to those under the law until Christ should come to fulfill the law. No man could fulfill all the just requirements of the law. This law required perfection and if anyone failed at just one point, he was guilty of breaking all of it. The reason for that is because anything that does not come from faith is sin, and the wages of sin is death. Even the inward thoughts and attitudes of man are sin, such … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/19/2019

Jesus God is The Faithful One

Classic Christianity – Fathers Day Part 1 (06-19-19)

Bob George teaches a Father’s day message. From the spelling of “Father”, Bob shares characteristics of a father. These characteristics in a father have great impact on our children. Those same things also apply to mothers.

F – Faithfulness

A – Attentiveness

T – Truthfulness and Thankfulness

H – Helpful

E – Encouraging

R – Respectful

These characteristics are God’s characteristics. Because you are children of God they are passed on to you. If you do not understand God’s forgiveness, how are we going to forgive others. If we do not understand God’s love for us, how can we pass that love onto others. All of those things discussed here are characteristics that we as parents should be involved in. This is first of all how God deals with you and me. Therefore, we are in the position of receiving in order to give just as Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We remain attached to the vine so that what is produced by the vine is borne on the branches. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing (John 15).

Let us look more closely at faithfulness.

2 Timothy … Listen to Broadcast & Read More