Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/15/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest for Today

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P651 (07-15-21)


Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to eat certain foods or worship on a certain day of the week? What do you say in response? Does not scripture say to not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or in regard to a religious holiday or even a Sabbath? Yes. As you read scripture, you will be able to understand that you live under grace today. That Jesus set aside the Old Covenant to establish a New Covenant so that we can rest from our works just as He did from His.

What does that mean? If you are still trying to keep the law, then you are not resting from your works. He has put the law aside so that we can walk in the newness of life. There is no rest under the law. You are constantly being demanded to do what you cannot accomplish in the energy of your own flesh. So the Sabbath is a place of rest. It is not a day of the week. Would you hate to think that the only day of the week you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/17/2021


Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P18 (03-17-21)


As was prophesied through the prophet Jeremiah, and explained more thoroughly in the book of Hebrews, we live today under a new covenant. Jeremiah and Jesus both lived under an old covenant. While Jesus was on this earth, He lived under an old covenant while speaking about a new covenant to come. He initiated a new covenant, or new will, after His death on a cross. Just as we have a will today that only goes into effect after the person living dies, so too with this new covenant Jesus spoke about, that also the writer of Hebrews explains.

The old covenant was one of law, like a tutor to those under the law until Christ should come to fulfill the law. No man could fulfill all the just requirements of the law. This law required perfection and if anyone failed at just one point, he was guilty of breaking all of it. The reason for that is because anything that does not come from faith is sin, and the wages of sin is death. Even the inward thoughts and attitudes of man are sin, such … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/16/2021

Jesus Created All Things

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P17 (03-16-21)


We have been reading the testimony of the bible concerning itself. As you read through the pages, you cannot but help notice a divine author, the testimony of Jesus Himself, who is the living word who came down from heaven, who speaks into the hearts of men. You cannot separate the word of God from the person of God. And if Jesus is who He claims to be, God, and the divine author, then what is written through these pages is true.

So all those people and events we read about in the scriptures are true, whether from the Old Testament or the New Testament. Not only are they true, but they testify of what will be accomplished in and through the person of Jesus Christ. For example, the prophet Jeremiah testified of a new covenant that will come after a certain period of time in history. We are now living under that new covenant today. As history unfolded, we discovered that Jesus fulfilled all that was spoken of through the prophets concerning Himself. Jesus Himself testified of these people and events. He Himself said He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/05/2018

Classic Christianity – Book of John p11 (11-05-18)

Bob George TeachingWelcome to Class Christianity Radio with Bob George on the clear, timeliness teaching on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus, that transforms your life as you learn about God’s amazing love. Let’s join Bob as he continues sharing through the book of John. Currently, we are looking at John 4:28-54 concerning the Samaritan woman who shares her testimony to the local town and how through her testimony and the words of Jesus, many come to believe. Bob shares from these passages what is true evangelism and true discipleship. Evangelism is sharing the good news of Christ so someone is led to become a child of God by their expressed faith in the word of truth in the gospel, the message of good news. Discipleship is the exhortation and encouragement so someone comes to understand all that has been done for them by Jesus Christ and continues to grow in that new relationship as a child of God. There is no better way than learning from the Spirit of God what is the meaning of God’s word!

From this passage, Bob starts by sharing a sample prayer of someone who has … Listen to Broadcast & Read More