Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P928 (04-26-24)
Without Faith, it is Impossible to Please God
~ Many people came to Jesus thinking they were getting their sins forgiven. It’s placing the wrong emphasis on themselves (and asking for forgiveness of God) instead of placing trust in Jesus and what he did on the cross for them. They don’t understand that they were physically born forgiven by God, but in need of life through the Holy Spirit coming to live in them when they place faith in Jesus. So what happens many times, is a person thinks in their mind that something is a sin (whether it really is or not), but they think it is a sin, that God is somehow up there with a clipboard keeping track of everyone’s sins and is going to cause them to lose their salvation. Yet even there, they don’t understand that salvation is Eternal life. Once a person has the Holy Spirit living in them, there is nothing that can kick out the Holy Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit forever for eternal life. Our faith needs to be in Jesus, NOT ourselves.
~ “But without faith it is impossible to … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message