Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P40 (07-20-20)
In this subject of Agape love, that is love that can only come from God and what God produces in us and through us as we rely on HIm, as we rest in Him like a branch on a vine. Our natural self, that sin-indwelling flesh, that Agape does not come out of us unless we are depending on Him, walking in the Spirit and not in accordance with the flesh. Of course, we have been in the flesh, our mind being so long in this worldly thinking, that we had since we were born with this sin-indwelling flesh. So there is the renewal of the mind that has to occur, and will continue to occur until the day we die. So we learn how to have our minds renewed and we put no confidence in the flesh.
So what happens when we put confidence in the flesh? We live in bondage to sin and death, even if, or though, you are not under that any more, when we do not have to. If error is what binds you, truth is what sets you free.