Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/16/2021

Jesus Gives His Life To Us

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P4 (11-16-21)

The Wages of Sin is Death, But the Gift of God is Life

Most pastors are teaching a half gospel. Many teach that a person “gets” their sins forgiven when they ask God for it. Yet without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus forgave your sins on the cross so that He would give you life, His eternal life when you place faith in Him. Forgiveness is found only in Christ Jesus. No one gets their sins forgiven today apart from Christ Jesus. The only thing a person can do is receive His forgiveness when you receive Him and He gives you eternal life the moment you place faith in Him.

Romans 5:9-11
9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our

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Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/07/2021

Faith That Pleases God - Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P20 (07-07-21)


Have you understood what faith is? Faith must have an object. It is more than an intellectual assent to facts or some sort of faith in some mystery, that nobody knows what that mystery is. I can know that Abraham Lincoln died in Ford’s theater and by believing that, that does not have any impact on my life. I can even go to church, thinking that if I go to church then somehow God will accept me, or my good deeds will outweigh my bad. I can think that I can get all my sins confessed that built up during the week off my chest. I could be doing that whether I was going to a Catholic mass or even sitting in my own bedroom quoting 1 John 1:9, but all the while wondering if I missed confessing some sin. I could even think that I came to Jesus to get all my sins forgiven, and then still doing those confessing of sins as well. So it could be I did not have a proper understanding of the complete gospel in Christ Jesus. All of that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P3 Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/27/2020

Jesus is Light - Place Faith in Him

Thanksgiving Law & Grace P3 – Bob George (11-27-20)


Let us reflect on Christ and be thankful. When we ponder all that we have in Christ, how can we not be thankful? At Thanksgiving we can reflect on our nation, but what I really rejoice in is that I have been set free in Christ. To ponder over the wretched state of death I was once in, so miserable that I cried out to God for help, and He rescued me. He led me to new life in Christ Jesus. And today, I rejoice that that same grace that saved me then is the same life that continually saves me now.

I thank Him for renewing my mind, encouraging me and knowing that when I do sin, I am not condemned. Why? I am no longer under the law of sin and death. All the judgment and punishment for sin was placed on a cross so there is none left for me! And I am so grateful that I am under grace. He supplies everything I need to live. I can rest in Him, although realizing that on this earth I will still sin, never going to be in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Thanksgiving P3 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/24/2020

Salvation - Eternal Life in Jesus

Thanksgiving P3 – Bob George (11-24-20)


As the Thanksgiving season is here, consider how much we have been freely given. If you are in Christ, you are free. You are free from the law. You are no longer under the law of sin and death, the law with it’s demands that you could never keep. Sin was your master and owner. In Christ, you are no longer a prisoner of the law. You were once locked up until faith should be revealed. Has faith been revealed to you? Can you now call God your Father because you have become a child of God, a new creation in Christ?

Even before the law was given, sin was in the world. All of us were born dead spiritually. The law was powerless to save you nor could it. We were already weak in our natural selves, being dead already. We keep doing what we know we ought not do and we do not do what we know we should. And when we fail, there is guilt under the law. Then why was the law given? The law was added so that man may see his condition of spiritual death and seek … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 9/30/2020

God Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P72 (09-30-20)


As you ponder over the scriptures, the many things Jesus told us, and the writings of the apostles, who explain these things to us, our minds are renewed with truth as the Spirit reveals truth to us about who we are, about our flesh, and about who God is. Again, we love because God first loved us. We respond to that truth and those attitudes of heart in Christ Jesus are formed in us. Those attitudes of heart show up in our love for one another. That triplicate again of faith, hope and love is visible in us through the love of God worked in us and through us. Christ in us is our hope of glory. We place our faith, our dependency upon Christ, continually walking in that faith in Christ alone.

We come to realize that when Jesus walked on this earth, emptying himself of his divine attributes, while never ceasing to be God, showed us what it is like to live as a man and to live as He lived. How did Jesus live? In total dependency on His Father. So, He tells … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 9/29/2020

The Law of Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P71 (09-29-20)


Love is the indicator as to whether you are in Christ Jesus or not. When we are born, we are born without the Spirit of God living in us. God is love and love comes from God. God initiates His love to us and we respond to that love. We come to understand His love through the Spirit who reveals to us God through His Son Jesus Christ. We realize what Jesus came to do for us, to die on a cross to take away the sins of the world, in order to rise again, so His life can be given to us. God is received by faith.

Without God, the only thing we had was a spirit that was empty, longing to be filled with meaning and purpose. That is why man asks questions like, “Why am I here?” “Why do I feel empty inside?”, “Where will I go when I die”, or “How can I love and be loved?” Knowing that we sin, we are longing for unconditional love and acceptance but we have misplaced dependencies and unrealistic expectations. We either ignore God even … Listen to Broadcast & Read More