Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P79 (03-13-24)
The First Command Was Set Aside Because it was Weak and Useless
~ The law made nothing perfect. Do you hear that? The law, made NOTHING perfect. So a better hope was introduced. Jesus is our better hope. For no one will ever be declared righteous under the law. Do we actually believe that? Do most people that profess being a Christian actually believe that? Heck no. They think God is pleased with them when they obey the law (and falsely believe that they are obeying the law). They lie to themselves and others. For if they were honest with themselves, they would see the truth of the word of God and of themselves, they would repent (NOT of their sins but of their unbelief and change their mind), and come to a saving faith in Jesus, the one who could and did obey the law of God from the beginning. Only in Christ Jesus is a person perfect in the sight of God. It is not based on dodo Christianity either. It is based solely on Him and His righteousness, none of our own righteousness. Only when a person exercises faith … Listen to Broadcast & Read More