Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/13/2024

Law Shows Your Sin

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P79 (03-13-24)

The First Command Was Set Aside Because it was Weak and Useless

~ The law made nothing perfect. Do you hear that? The law, made NOTHING perfect. So a better hope was introduced. Jesus is our better hope. For no one will ever be declared righteous under the law. Do we actually believe that? Do most people that profess being a Christian actually believe that? Heck no. They think God is pleased with them when they obey the law (and falsely believe that they are obeying the law). They lie to themselves and others. For if they were honest with themselves, they would see the truth of the word of God and of themselves, they would repent (NOT of their sins but of their unbelief and change their mind), and come to a saving faith in Jesus, the one who could and did obey the law of God from the beginning. Only in Christ Jesus is a person perfect in the sight of God. It is not based on dodo Christianity either. It is based solely on Him and His righteousness, none of our own righteousness. Only when a person exercises faith … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/12/2024

God Transforms You Into a Child of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P78 (03-12-24)

Accept the New, It’s For You Too!

~ God transforms you into a child of God if you are in Christ Jesus. He does it all. You don’t make yourself holy. You don’t clean yourself up. You don’t get your sins forgiven today. You don’t earn your salvation. You are clean to be indwelt by God. He cleaned you at the cross. Your confession for forgiveness doesn’t do anything except deceive you into thinking you are getting your sins forgiven when you ask God to do it. It is a lie to believe that and to promote that. No one gets their sins forgiven today. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. The Hebrew is saved the same way a Gentile is saved, through faith in Jesus to have done it all at the cross. The New Covenant is for everyone. Get rid of the liars. Quit promoting them. Quit listening to them. And instead allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. Come let us reason together says the Lord. We are at that time now. We are after the cross. Listen to the Holy Spirit teach you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/11/2024

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P77 (03-11-24)

The New Covenant is New For Everyone!

~ New is New for all. The New Covenant is here today. It is not some future day for Israel. It is for all. Otherwise, if it wasn’t new for all then God would be still counting sins against people today. And we know that is not happening, because “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 Yet many do not believe the word of God. And by their very actions they show their unbelief. They confess for more forgiveness. Some even tell the lie that Israel is saved a different way than the Gentiles. This is a big FAT LIE. Don’t listen to those false prophets. Time is short at hand. None of us knows when our last breath shall be taken, and it’s important to make ourselves available if we are in Christ Jesus to allow him to use us as he sees fit. We respond to his truth when we abide in Him. Be who you are, a child of God. Don’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/08/2024

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P914 (03-08-24)

Behold Jesus the Lamb of God Who Took Away The Sins of the World

~ We still hear people today that want to tell you that your sins are not forgiven until you ask God to forgive you, or they will say, “you have to repent of all of your sins in order to be saved.” Others want to focus on water baptism, as though that saves a person. All of these are lies of Satan, because he has exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and have believed in something they themselves have to do in order to be saved from the consequence of sin, which is death. They still equate salvation with getting their sins forgiven. And all of that is a lie. So a person needs to be brought into the knowledge of Truth and be presented with the fact, that Jesus forgave (past tense) the sins of the whole world. When John the Baptist was water baptizing people (identifying people of Israel), he was pointing toward the coming of Jesus, the Messiah for the people of Israel. Today we get to say, “Behold Jesus, the Lamb … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/07/2024

Worlds Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P913 (03-07-24)

Jesus Said, the World’s Sin is Unbelief in Me.

~ The deception of the world, through Satan and the fallen angels and through Satan’s minions, is such that people do not want to believe the word of God today. They would much rather trust in their own understanding of things, lean on what others say, than to listen to the TRUTH of the Holy Spirit who wants to reveal ALL truth to each and everyone of us, if only we would receive it. Many start on the path of accepting the word of God in their heart, but they never exercise faith. The foundation begins with Jesus and ends with Jesus. It is Faith from first to last. Jesus is the Faithful one to complete the work that he began in you. Today you will find lots and lots of people that are being used by Satan as controlled opposition. And history repeats itself. Just like the first century lies were being brought against the Apostles, we too are having the lies levied against the true church of God today. And his church is NOT a physical building built by human … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/06/2024

Faith Says Thank You For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P76 (03-06-24)

Faith is Responding to God’s Love For Us ~ “Thank You Jesus”

~ Jesus did it ALL for us. We are to rest in him. When we respond by faith in what Jesus did for us, and continues to do in and through us, the only thing we can do is say, “THANK YOU GOD!” Thanksgiving in your heart is the key. A person who has thanksgiving in their heart is agreeing with God about first and foremost, Jesus and what he did on the cross for all of our sins. Confession in Greek means thanksgiving. Because when a person says “thank you” to God, they are in agreement with what God’s Love did for them on the cross. A person that is not thankful, but instead is asking for what God has already done is showing disrespect to God. They are calling God a liar. So if you want to please God, start walking in Faith. For it is Faith from first to last. For Jesus is the Faithful ONE who has done it all. THANK YOU JESUS!

This is what the book of Hebrews is all about. Teaching us about … Listen to Broadcast & Read More