Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/16/2024

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P54 (01-16-24)

The Just Shall Live By Faith

~ When we receive Christ it is by faith. We place faith that Jesus took away our sins on the cross, and that he was raised from the dead so that he could place his Spirit into us, and raise us from the dead also. So once you are in Christ, and He is in you, Scripture tells us to live the same way, by Faith. God will do in and through you what you cannot do yourself. He begins to renew your mind immediately, because he makes you a new creature in Christ. The old is gone, and the new has come. Don’t let Satan or anyone else place you on the treadmill of grunting and groaning for Christ. It’s a lie. We learned yesterday that we can do NOTHING for Christ, Nothing. Faith is believing Truth and properly responding to Truth. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. We are to be the same way today. And furthermore, because we live on this side of the cross, and the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, He will strengthen your faith. Trust … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-02-24)

Attitudes of the Heart

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-02-24)

God Wants to Change The Attitudes of the Heart With His Spirit in You

~ A person who is lost needs a new heart. So many, have a heart of stone today. They are not willing to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling them. They ignore the Truth of the word of God. They ignore the Truth, Jesus. They would much rather listen to the teaching of man, instead of listening to the teaching of God through His word and the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit to teach a person ALL Truth. And that is key, because there are so many lies by Satan that are brainwashing most people today that if they would simply humble themselves and say, “Lord Jesus, show me All truth and what is really going on in the world today,” He would do that. But that requires the wisdom of God (His Holy Spirit) to live in a person to provide them with the wisdom to understand these days we are living in. Time is short folks, pay attention to the details in the word of God. For details … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 1 (01-01-24)

Respond in Faith to Jesus Christ

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 1 (01-01-24)

Place Faith in Truth ~ Jesus Forgave ALL Your Sins

~ Most people ignore Truth of the Word of God. Truth goes in one ear and out the other. They are not doers of Truth. They do not place faith in what the word of God says. The word of God says to believe in Truth, and that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the life. Yet people are ho hum in regards to truth. They spend their lives ignoring Him. They would much rather continue on living in the lies of Satan and the world. Some will even get angry at you for pointing out the Truth to them. Yet it is crystal clear, Jesus took upon himself the sins of the whole world, he forgave you at the cross. And he is no longer counting your sins against you. Yet people will remain in their futility of their thinking. They will place the means of their salvation in what they are doing, or in their religion and in the teaching of man instead of the Holy Spirit of God.

~ “So I tell you Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/21/2023

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P895 (12-21-23)

Throw Off The Sin of Unbelief, The Sin That so Easily Entangles

~ In chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews, we have been given the examples of faith in that chapter. And we are quick to discount what faith really is. We have actually forgotten that faith is responding properly to truth. God has given us truth at each point along the way and it is culminated with the Spirit of Truth living in each and every believer. Yet we are quick to even discount the Holy Spirit and end up not trusting Him for truth either. We tend to allow our flesh to guide us instead of the Spirit of God. And therein lies the problem. For Satan wants us to focus on our flesh and the teaching of men instead of the word of God. We need to start trusting in God to explain the word of God to each of us and what it means. It’s so important to remember that it requires the Holy Spirit to explain the meaning of the word of God to us today.

~ Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/15/2023

Salvation is Life in God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P894 (12-15-23)

Salvation is Life in Christ Jesus

~ Today we have people that are tied into some of the biggest cults in the world, and they don’t even realize it. They are brainwashed by Satan and their religion. They themselves are convinced they are saved because that is what they were told their whole life. After all, they went to first holy communion, and went to the confession booths, and followed the religious days of obligation, and they said the rosaries during their lifetimes repeatedly, and Mary is making intersession for them, That is the one group. The other group thinks they are saved because they learned stuff in their church, they confession their sins directly to God to get forgiven, they taken communion, and they pray daily. But are cultic and neither person is saved because they are believing that it is what they do that causes themselves to be saved with God. Then there is the total unbeliever, that doesn’t place faith in anything of Jesus, and could care less about any religion in the first place. They too are dead lost and in need of life. We would do … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/14/2023

Look at The Finality of the Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P893 (12-14-23)

The Finality of The Cross is Super Important to Understand for Our Life

~ Many people today have gone out from us, but were never a part of us. We can look back over the years and have discovered people that we thought they at one time understood the Finality of the Cross, yet they give lip service to it today. Because they raise up to themselves teachers that don’t even teach the finality of the cross to their listeners. These people have not exercised faith. In other words, they do not draw proper conclusions. And there is no real spiritual discernment shown by these people today. That right there should be a red flag for people. And before someone says we should not judge whether someone is saved or not, where in scripture does it say that? It doesn’t. And to the contrary the word of God says the spiritual man judges all things. 1 Corinthians 2:15 Furthermore, it is best to find out if a person is saved or not, for maybe the Holy Spirit wants you to share truth with a person that is not saved, rather than … Listen to Broadcast & Read More