Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/27/2023

Jesus is the Gospel Warning

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P14 (09-27-23)

The Gospel of Christ Jesus Has Indeed Been Perverted Down Through The Years

~ When a person speaks Truth today, most people will end up getting angry as hornets at them. For most people in the world do NOT know Truth. They think they do, based on their own understanding and the teaching of the world, but they have been deceived from birth. In order to understand All Truth, they must be born of God.

Everything today has been inverted and perverted including the teaching of the word of God. For example, people that teach law keeping (and most do teach that to some degree), are the ones that have perverted the gospel of Jesus. They are the ones that are preaching a fake gospel message, which is no gospel at all. And the reason that most people don’t recognize the perversion is because they are not saved to begin with. They sit in their nice comfy pews, Sunday after Sunday, listening to their fake gospel preachers, teaching the lies of Satan. And they justify it because that is what their itching ears want to hear. They are NOT interested in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/26/2023

Jesus Wants You to Pay Attention to Details

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P13 (09-26-23)

Pay The Most Careful Attention to The Things We Have Heard in the Word of God

~ We are told in the word of God to pay close attention to the details. We have been saying for weeks now, that details matter in everything, and now we actually see in the word of God itself, where it warns the readers to pay attention to the things you have heard. Why? So that we do NOT drift away. And that is indeed what has happened today. People have drifted away because they failed to pay attention to the details. They have allowed the wisdom of this world to guide them instead of the wisdom of God who lives inside them, if indeed they are really born again of the Spirit of God. For many today think they are born again, when in reality they are still lost and dead in their unbelief, for they have not exercised faith in Jesus, but have place faith in themselves, or faith in their religion and even placed faith in their own faith of faith. We can see it all around us, and people refuse to come … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/18/2023

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P862 (08-18-23)

Faith is From Beginning to Last, Faith is the Starting Point That Never Ends

~ When Jesus walked upon the earth, he was God in flesh, teaching people the truth of the word of God. Jesus taught under the old covenant. It’s very important to understand that. When Jesus taught, he had not gone to the cross yet, for the sins of the whole world. He was headed to the cross, but it had not happened. And once the death of Jesus happened on the cross, that is what implemented the NEW COVENANT.

Now when Jesus was teaching, he was teaching under the LAW of God. He showed everyone how stringent the law was. Some people foolishly thought they were obeying the law, but they were nothing more than hypocrites pretending they were obeying the law. For God looks at the heart. And Jesus explained the details of that. He said, if you get angry with someone, you have already committed murder in your heart. If you look at another person lustfully, you have already committed adultery in your heart.

So just like the people of the days when Jesus walked … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/24/2023

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P73 (07-24-23)

You Come to Christ Jesus Because Your Sins Are Already Forgiven at The Cross

~ One of the biggest lies and misunderstandings of the gospel that is taught today, is the lie, that you come to Christ Jesus to get your sins forgiven. Satan has convinced the world that you come to Jesus, and then he forgives you your sins when you ask for it, or faith it. Another way of saying it, is most people don’t believe that Jesus died for everyone’s sins, only those that place faith in Jesus. So called grace teachers will teach this one point of Calvinism very subtlety. They won’t say that Jesus had limited atonement but they will indirectly say there is limited propitiation of sins only for the elect. One well known teacher will even go so far as to say “that anyone that teaches that Jesus forgave everyone’s sins at the cross is a charlatan.” They will not even tell a lost person their sins are forgiven, because in their mind they don’t know if that person will ever have faith or not to believe their sins are forgiven, thus they don’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/21/2023

A Closer Look at The Truth About Prayer

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P854 (07-21-23)

A Closer Look at The Truth About Prayer

~ How do we pray? What are we supposed to pray for? Can prayer change things? Can prayer circumvent God’s will? Are your prayers of concern greater than God’s knowledge and will and his love for all? Can prayer cause God to do anything to change the outcome? These are some of the things that are discussed in today’s program.

First off, a prayer of asking for forgiveness from God is not even being close to a prayer of faith. As we have spoken in the past, faith is always a responder to Truth. Asking for something from God in which he has already done it, is a denial of what God did in the first place. That is NOT faith, but is unbelief in a very key aspect of God. So it is so important to understand this very truth in our understanding of God’s forgiveness before we can ever hope to understand the truth about prayer.

Prayer starts with listening to what God says and not about asking God for something, or to do something based on me being the center … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/20/2023

Faith is Agreeing With and Trusting God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P853 (07-20-23)

Living By Faith is Responding to God

~ Faith is a responder to God. Once a person understands the Finality of the Cross and the Reality of the Resurrection, then a person might ask the question, how do I live day to day with Christ Jesus? What do I do? And the simple answer is you live and walk by faith. Now faith is misunderstood by a majority of people today. They equate faith to grunting and groaning for God. Or to try and live righteously, because they still are believing in living in the energy of their flesh instead of resting in Him. So how do we rest in Jesus? By faith. There’s the word faith again. Faith is always a responder to Truth. Faith is simple, one plus one equals two. So what does two plus two equal? The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews makes it clear what faith is and gives many examples of Responders to the Truth of the word of God. So how are you responding to Truth today? Are you resting in the finished work of Jesus at the cross? Or are you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More