Classic Christianity – The Book of John P64 (07-03-23)
A Dead Man Needs Life! Jesus Wants to Give Life to the Dead.
~ Most people don’t realize they are dead spiritually, without the Spirit of God living in them. They have no interest in the true things of God. They in fact are loaded up with a whole bunch of lies of the world from the time of physical birth, that they themselves pass on to others, because they do Not know the Truth for themselves. All Truth begins with Jesus. Without accepting the truth of Jesus one will never understand the Truth of the world. That’s because the Holy Spirit has to teach us all Truth. Sure, a man can teach you some truth, but until you are taught by the Holy Spirit it is not Truth that you yourself possess. So until a person comes to Christ Jesus for life, they will remain dead in their unbelief. Come to Jesus for Life and He will give you the Spirit of Truth to live in you! He will teach you All things and teach you what they mean, and that is even more so in these last days.
~ … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Monday 07/03/2023”