Radio Broadcast Monday 04/03/2023

God Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P25 (04-03-23)

True Agape Love Comes From God

~ “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:7,8

“In chapter 13, he says, I’m going to show you a more excellent way. Because guys, the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is pride. That’s the opposite. Love is patient. Pride is never patient. Love is kind. Pride is never kind. Is it? Love never keeps records of wrongs. Pride can’t afford not to keep records of wrongs. In case you get a little one upmanship on me, I got my record of you to get back at you. There are some people that you can never criticize that they’re not going to put it right back on you. Have you ever known people like that? That you say, Well, you know, you did. this. Oh, that’s what you do too. Got even with them that time. What’s pride, that’s a prideful thing that I’ve got to shoot back. And we … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Monday 04/03/2023”

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/29/2023

Jesus Says Who do You Say I Am

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P24 (03-29-23)

Jesus Asks Each of Us, “Who Do You Say I Am?

~ “He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:15

“And so he was saying here that you diligently searched the scriptures. You know what the Scriptures say. And you think that by them, you possess eternal life, but he said, these are the Scriptures that testify about Me. And yet you refuse to come to me and receive or to have what? Life, you refuse to have life. So in other words, Jesus again is saying that life is found in me. You may come as we’re going to see a little later you may come to follow me to get fed, you may come to follow me to get a miracle. You may follow me to get healed. You may follow me to get blessings. But you have not come to me to get what you don’t have, life. And again, it’s the whole emphasis of salvation is life. Come unto me and receive life. Why? We don’t have life. You’re not born with spiritual life. You’re born dead to the life of … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/29/2023”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/03/2023

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P814 (03-03-23)

Faith Says Thank You to God

~ Faith is responding with thanksgiving to the forgiveness that God has already done for us. It is walking in unbelief to keep asking God to forgive you over and over again. It’s calling God a Liar. If you ask over and over again, it is obvious that you don’t believe Jesus forgave ALL your sins at the cross. When we come to Christ Jesus, we are made perfect (complete) in the sight of God. We are set apart (holy). We can not do anything to make us more holy.

~ Bob George
“If I am asking if I if I ask you to forgive me, it’s because I believe that you haven’t forgiven me otherwise, why would I ask you to forgive me? In essence when we’re asking God to do what he has already accomplished. We’re saying, I don’t believe you accomplished that. Now you can argue and spin that all you want. But that is the only conclusion that you can have to something if I asked you, if you just gave me $100 bill, and I came up and asked you … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/03/2023”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/02/2023

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P813 (03-02-23)

What is Faith? And How Am I Saved?

~ “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” Hebrews 11:1,2

~ Carlos
“Thank you, okay. Sometimes I listen to your program on and off. And my question is about faith. And, first of all, what is faith, and is faith all I need to be saved?”

~ Bob George
“Carlos, it’s not your faith. It’s who your faith is in you and I exercise faith every day we exercise faith, when we sit in the chair that’s going to hold us we exercise faith when we go into a restaurant, that they’re not serving us poison. So we exercise faith every day in something. So it’s, it’s not our faith, it’s who our faith is in. And our faith has to come into the one who claimed to be the way in the truth and the life. And the no one will come to the Father except through me, and that’s the Christ Jesus. And that’s where our faith has to be placed in the … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/02/2023”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/03/2023

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P806 (02-03-23)

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus?

~ So many times people give lip service to what Jesus did on the cross. They do not place faith in the finished work, because by their actions they call God a liar. And at the same time, they also camp on the idea that one could lose their eternal salvation, because as a matter-of-fact, they don’t even understand what salvation is. Salvation is receiving Jesus, his eternal life in you, when you place faith in him for everything he did and having taken away the sins of the world (your sins too are included in that) at the cross, we can now shout it from the rooftop, It is FINISHED! Listen as Bob shares Truth with callers on the air.

~ “People who argue or even discuss, losing salvation, don’t know what salvation is. Salvation is an eternal act done by God on a person’s behalf and when God has given an eternal act that’s eternal. But again, what we’re saved from is the consequence of sin, which is Death, The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/03/2023”

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/01/2023

Jesus Gave Us New Commands of Belief and Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P50 (02-01-23)

It’s All of Christ Jesus and none of me

~ “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:4,5

~ “Every command that Jesus gave us is an impossibility for us to carry out in the energy of our own flesh, as we just talked about, it is something that is produced by the life of the vine, not by the branch. And so Jesus gave us the illustration of how this Christian life is lived. In other words, it is not lived by us, it’s no longer I who live Paul said, It’s Christ living in us. Now, when we don’t understand that, the best that we can do, as I said, is to go out and produce something that looks like the real thing, but is not the real thing. And Satan’s greatest … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/01/2023”