Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/22/2024

Faith is a Responder to the Grace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P962 (08-22-24)

The Work of The Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

~ The book of James chapter 2 verses 18 through 26 gives two prime examples of Faith and Works. Yet most overlook the details in the Word of God, and simply take a quote from Scripture, out of context, and declare, “faith without works is dead” even though it doesn’t specifically say that in most of the translations. Most people have no clue what “Faith” is, and no clue what “Works” is either. They come up with all types of ideas of what constitutes a “good work” and it’s most people that are like this that have never exercised true Faith in the Faithful One of God, Jesus, God in Flesh. They do not know the work of the ministry is to Believe in Jesus.

Let’s get back to the two examples of faith and works to see how Faith and Works, works together. Details matter in Everything.

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith by my works. You believe that God is one. You 
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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/12/2024

Salvation is Life in God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P950 (07-12-24)

Being Saved is New Life in Christ Jesus

~ When we accept Jesus, God in the flesh, who took away the sins of the world (and the world includes you and me), he comes to give you His Spirit for Life. Life is salvation. Forgiveness is NOT salvation. The Holy Spirit, baptizes a person into the body of Christ. God places a person into His body, and we become a child of God. Many today are teaching Satan’s lies of getting your sins forgiven for forgiveness as though that is salvation, which is a lie. It’s important to understand the details of the word of God. Don’t gloss over the details. The details in the word of God say that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And God is not going to ever go to a cross every again. And when a person has the Holy Spirit living in them we are told that we are given a new heart. We now have the heart of God living in us. Allow Him to live His life in and through you.

When the Holy Spirit wants to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/08/2024

Jesus Sent His Holy Spirit to Teach Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P128 (07-08-24)

A Wise Child of God Leader Will Always Point You to The Holy Spirit for All Truth

~ Bob George was a wise leader, who always pointed us to check out the word of God for ourselves. As we mentioned last week, and this bears repeating, Don’t believe what any man says, no matter who he is. For deception runs rampant in the church today, and most have no clue about how the lies of Satan get passed on down through the teaching of man, without ever checking out to see if things are true or not of what man is saying. Don’t assume that anyone has all the details of Truth worked out either. And don’t assume that someone you respect, cannot be deceived themselves in a key area of the word of God. And then there are those who have shown their true colors, by their fruits, and have not repented of the errors of their ways, even when pointing things out directly to them. They went out from us, but were never a part of us. [1 John 2:19] The Holy Spirit, who lives in the True child of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/03/2024

The Holy Spirit Will Lead You in All Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P127 (07-03-24)

Read The Word of God Yourself to Make Sure What is Being Taught is Truth

~ Don’t believe what any man says, no matter who he is. For deception runs rampant in the church today, and most have no clue about how the lies of Satan get passed on down through the teaching of man, without ever checking out to see if things are true or not of what man is saying. Don’t assume that anyone has all the details of Truth worked out either. And don’t assume that someone you respect, cannot be deceived themselves in a key area of the word of God. The Holy Spirit will teach you the Truth of everything, and context is always important to consider.

When listening to someone teach out of the word of God, it is wise to read different translations of the word of God to see if things are so or not. And we have all the translations available to us, at our fingertips online, and we can even look at the Greek and Hebrew and verify the meaning of words on everything. God gave us his word, but to understand … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/02/2024

What is Faith

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P126 (07-02-24)

Having The Proper Therefores is Faith Responding Properly to TRUTH

~ Faith is so misunderstood today, that people don’t even have a clue what the word means. Faith is responding properly to Truth, and is also responding properly to the lies of Satan and the world in which we live in. Faith is a very practical word. Most people think faith is only dealing with salvation, or those things that pertain to salvation. However, faith is much much more than that. Faith is a therefore word.

There are pastors that will preach a powerful message of Truth, and then in the end negate all of it by applying the wrong therefores to everything they said to begin with. It’s easy to see the lies of the Satan, once you know the Truth of the word of God. However, most people lean on their own understanding of Truth, and never study the word of God for themselves. They listen to the preaching of men, rather than exercising their mind to test things out to see if they are so, or not so. We read in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the people in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/01/2024

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P125 (07-01-24)

Understanding Your Identity in Christ Jesus

~ If you are in Christ Jesus, you’ve got a brand new identity. You are a child of the Living God. You are no longer a sinner, you are a Saint in the eyes of God. So then, we need to understand our identity if we are in Christ Jesus. And that is part of the problem right there. Most don’t understand their identity, because they either are Not a child of God, or they are listening to the teaching of Man instead of listening to the Holy Spirit teach a person Truth.

And many of us today that are in Christ Jesus go out of our way to persuade people the Truth of the word of God. We don’t want anyone to perish. We want people to hear and understand TRUTH. Yet those are the ones that the world views as being out of our minds, crazy and weird, because they will say that hardly anyone teaches what we are teaching. And that is TRUTH, hardly anyone indeed is teaching the TRUTH of the word of God. They might be teaching what the word of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More