Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P09 (10-16-24)
Time to Tell it Like it Is, Be a Truth Teller
~ We have been so deceived by Satan today that most are scared to tell it like it is. They are scared to say something is a sin. And think about it folks, if we are not able to call sin, sin, then what does a person need Jesus for? After all, it’s not sin in the eyes of the world. And so there is no need for God either. And everything is perverted today. In fact, the level of perversion is much much worse than most imagine today. People today, are worshipping demonic entities in transformed flesh suits, and have no clue about it. They hold these entities up as idols all day long. We have all done it too. We were all caught in the sin of idolatry big time. Our parents taught us that it was okay to have idols by their very actions, (they fell in love with singers, actors, technology gurus, sports players and sports teams and even political figures and promoted them all day long) and we too have followed suit. We justified it because … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message