Radio Broadcast Monday 05/25/2020

Jesus Forgave You Once For All

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P16 (05-25-20)


This faith we profess, what is it? That Christ is our hope and our love. It is because of His love that I know what love is. This love was given to me as a gift. He came and did something for me I could never do for myself. There is power in God’s love. The same power that created all that we see and even what we do not see is the power of God. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Faith calls out to know this God who has provided everything for our good, even for such basic things as the food we eat and the clothes we wear. By faith, we believe the testimony God has said about His Son, that He is the one who is the creator of the world. We come to understand that He came to make God known to us so that we might believe and be saved. The same power that raised him from the dead will raise … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/20/2020

Faith in my God Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P15 (05-20-20)


Bob George shares foundational truth from God’s word concerning who Jesus Christ is and what he has said he has done for you and me. Jesus Christ is the object of our faith. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is God in the flesh, whom God sent to this earth to show us how man was designed to live. Even though he is God, he chose to live as man, living in total dependency upon His Father. Here was Jesus who was never anything less than God, finding Himself in appearance as a man, humbling Himself and walking in dependency or in obedience to His Father. He said the statement. “I do nothing on my own but I speak just what the Father has taught me.” We read that in John 8:28 and in John 12:49-50. “I do not speak on my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.” He did his, so that we, who are not God, will know how to live, living in faith in what truth is, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/19/2020

Jesus is The God Man

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P14 (05-19-20)


It seems people do not really understand what faith is. We have the faith healers who think they can call upon God to do what they want to do. We have those people who put guilt trips on people who are physically blind, telling them that if they have enough faith they would be healed. There are those who think they have some kind of power of prayer to make God act. All of that kind of thinking is error. Faith must be based in truth. I can have faith that a chair will hold me up or I can have faith in one of those faulty chairs that would fall apart if a cat jumped on it. Your faith is either placed in something that is true, that works, or a lie, that does not produce results, or bad results. God wants our faith to be in something that is true, not a lie. The object of your faith is what is important, and that should be in Jesus Christ.

This understanding of the object of our faith, of who Jesus Christ is, that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/18/2020

God Jesus Christ Perfect Man

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P13 (05-18-20)


It cannot be emphasized enough that your teacher is the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit of God can reveal truth to men, and this comes when you are first born again, and then when you spend time reading God’s word in context, and when you are depending on the Holy spirit to reveal the meaning of it to you. Sadly, too often people rely on preachers, pastors, denominations, various books and any manner of techniques to accept something as truth, but it is quite often error, and rarely ever testing what is being said is true. The bible is our plumb line and the Holy Spirit is our guide into all truth.

So when you read about Jesus example of total dependence on His Father, what He is really saying to us? For example, in John 5:30 and John 14:10-11, you can read about how Jesus depended on His Father. He did only what His Father told him to do and exactly what his Father told him to say and how to say it. Bob George really wants people to grasp what he believes the Spirit … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/13/2020

Lift Jesus Up

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P12 (05-13-20)


Jesus, who is God in the flesh, lived in total dependence on the Father while he walked on this earth. He did nothing on His own initiative, even though as God, He could have been the dynamic of His own action and the cause of His own effect. He could have spoke things into existence that are not, as if they were. But He chose to do only what His Father told Him to do and exactly what the Father told Him to say and how to say it. Now, that is perfect faith in action.

Now we are to follow the example of His attitude of faith, not his actions. How can we follow his actions of raising the dead? I have not seen any human being raise the dead. No one has the power to do that. That is only something God can do. And Jesus, who is God, raised Lazarus from the dead. Why? His Father told Him to.

So we are to do and say what God tells us to do or say. That is the attitude of faith we are to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/12/2020

Place Your Confidence in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P11 (05-12-20)


Faith is the confidence of what we hope for. What do we hope for? Is it not meaning and purpose in life. But we cannot have meaning and purpose in life without God. You were created by God with a unique design. Just as a light bulb is created to function to be powered by electricity or an oil lamp to give light by having oil in it, or a car to move by having gasoline in it, for it was designed to function that way. Just as oil in the lamp is indispensable to the functioning of the lamp, or gasoline in a car is indispensable to the functioning of the car, God in the man is indispensable to the functioning of the man.

When God created man, He breathed in him the breath of life, the Spirit of God to live in him so he can know and communicate with the living God. The Spirit of God left man when man decided to function without God, that he can decide for himself what is right and what is wrong. That is what happened in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More