Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/20/2021

Unbelief is the Worlds Sin

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P635 (05-20-21)


There are many common questions relative new believers ask concerning the scripture. They are basic questions that can easily be answered from the scriptures but they are also questions they have in light of the teaching they have been so accustomed to hear on radio, television or from a denomination they grew up under or have been visiting or attending. As they read the scriptures for themselves, they are beginning to recognize that something is just not right, for what they had been taught all their lives just does not agree with what is revealed in scripture. So in either case, they call for clarification of what they have heard, and want Bob George’s thoughts on the subject.

So listen as Bob George answers various questions by callers on topics such as what did Jesus mean when he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and what does it mean to be unequally yoked with unbelievers or have I committed the unpardonable sin, does the Lord’s prayer apply today and what is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, and what is this I … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/16/2020

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P55 (03-16-20)


There is nothing we can do to make ourselves acceptable to God. Now that is difficult to grasp by many people. Why is that? Is it because they do not know what sin really is or what righteousness really is? Most people tend to evaluate themselves next to how other people are doing. After all, they say, “I never murdered anyone one like Adolf Hitler”. They see sin in categories, where actions are greater than attitudes, committing adultery is worse than lust or murder is worse than anger or jealousy. Many view sin as a numerical counting system, where adultery gets you 10 points, stealing 9, and the other things we do a lot more of, such as lying, gets you one or two points. So many people think as if God grades on a curve, that somehow if your good outweighs your bad, then you will make it into heaven.

But that is not how God operates. God is so holy he cannot look upon sin. Sin is defined as anything that does not come from faith. The attitudes of the heart are treated just as if you committed the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/01/2020

Classic Christianity – New Years P3 (01-01-20)


As you read the familiar story of the account in Luke of the birth and early life of Christ, what grabs your attention? The Spirit continually teaches us through His word, even from passages so familiar to us, as we stop and ponder His word, and ask the Lord to reveal to us what He wants us to see today. When you think of how the Spirit is at work to reveal truth to men, do you see how He works throughout the ages to reveal Himself to men? How has He revealed Himself to you? Today, He has revealed Himself to us by the Son He has given.

What do you think of the shepherds in the fields, who had angels visit them, and then Mary, through whom the angel Gabriel told her of the Spirit to be placed in her, to be called Immanuel, God with us? Then you have the Spirit speak to Simeon about a prophecy from the prophet Micah, that both the Jew and the Gentile will be saved the same way, through this small child Jesus, who will be the light to the Gentiles. This is … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/20/2019

Faith Says Thank You to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P15 (11-20-19)


Have you ever tried to share the gospel with those who have been taught from their traditions hundreds of years? How hard it is to tell someone that everything they have been taught is wrong! So many people today are still approaching righteousness with God based on what they do. This is the same thing Paul faced sharing truth with the Jewish people. They claimed they believed in Moses and have Abraham as their father. The Jews took offense at the fact that the Gentiles, the heathen, idol worshiping Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have received righteousness, and yet they, who work at obeying the law, have not received righteousness from God. Why not? They pursued a righteousness as if by works of the law and not by faith.

So Paul appeals to the Jews, those of his own race and upbringing, to consider what Abraham believed? Abraham believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness, and that before the law was given, before he was even circumcised. In those days, circumcision is not unlike baptism of today. It was a sign of someone’s faith. The sign … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/13/2019

God Does Not Grade On The Curve

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P12 (11-13-19)


We are now in the 3rd chapter of Romans. Paul had finished focusing on the Gentiles and has now focused his attention to the Jews. Both the Jew and the Gentile are both alike under sin. The apostle Paul explains why the law cannot make anyone righteous. Even though we today have never been given the law, we stole the law from the Jews and put ourselves under the demands of the law, by which no man can be saved. The purpose of the law was never to make anyone righteous. It is through the law we are conscious of sin. Paul is laying down the foundation for both the Jew and the Gentile to see their need of salvation, that they are a sinner already, dead spiritually at birth, and in need of new life.

Jesus also explained this when he walked the earth. He fulfilled the law for us not by what he did not do but by walking in love. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Jesus also spoke to the Jews, the Jewish leaders in his day on earth. They had turned the law as … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/12/2019

God Judges On Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P11 (11-12-19)


Follow along in Romans 2, and let the Lord teach you through his word. Let Him teach you about your condition of spiritual death. Let him teach you about misplaced dependency. Become born again and learn to depend on Christ. That is where obedience comes from. We love because he first loved us. Consider the fact that God created all there is, and he created you. He knows how you were designed to function. So let us ask Him how we are to live. To live is Christ and to die is gain. Let us learn what that means.

The best illustration of how God designed us to live is what Jesus taught us in John 15, about the vine and the branches. Jesus also demonstrated love, walked in love. He showed us, as a man born into this world, how man is to function. Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. He did exactly what His Father told him to do and what His Father told him to say and how to say. He became obedient to death, death on a cross, for you and me. That was … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message