Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/14/2020

Live on The Right Side of The Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P512 (02-14-20)


How hard it is to grasp this concept of grace! When you are lost, you just cannot understand that there is nothing you can do to make yourself acceptable to God. But many believers also struggle with this concept of grace that is spoken of in the New Covenant that God ushered in after his death, burial and resurrection. Even your best efforts fall short. Why? You are striving in the energy of your flesh, and not living under grace.

The reaction that a lost person often has upon first hearing a message of grace is, “What do you mean there is nothing I can do to make myself acceptable to God? I have tried to obey the law.” A believer also does not always fully understand grace either. Often, upon reading God’s word, their mind is confused for awhile. They have not understood the words of Jesus in the Lord’s prayer, what Jesus said when he said, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Often times, so many modern churches today co-mingle law and grace. That compounds the problem and hinders people from growing in grace. Recall in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/23/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/23/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P505 (01-23-20)


It is so heartbreaking to hear people being taught under law, or mixing law and grace, an impossibility. So many grow up in churches and are taught wrong, and are truly ignorant of the truth. When someone tells someone it is a sin to not go to church on Sunday, or that you must train your children only in this way, then you are teaching them about living under law. The letter of the law kills. It does not bring life. It brings suffering or hardship on people.

The spirit gives life. Scripture is very clear in Hebrews about the New Covenant of grace we are under, that we can rest from our works just as God did from His. Every day is a Sabbath rest for the people of God. You live by a trusting relationship with the living God. When you are born again, the Spirit is living in you, teaching you to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and He guides you into all truth. You no longer need to be tutored by the law, that was designed so you may recognize your sinful state and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/17/2020

Law And Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P504 (01-17-20)


When you are convinced that the bible is God’s word, then that is definitely a good starting point. We know the Old Testament can be trusted because Jesus quoted from it. So we have no problem believing the Old Testament. All of scripture, whether the Old Testament or the New Testament, came about by the Spirit of God revealing truth or speaking truth, through men. The bible came to be written down only through the prophets of God in the Old Testament or the apostles of the New Testament. We have translations today. The Septuagint, the first five books of the Old Testament, is a translation from Hebrew into Greek, and Jesus quoted from that.

Now, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, it would certainly be important to be convinced and know the bible is the word of God. Now, if you are born again, you would know that. You would also desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times people, particularly if you are a relatively new believer, you do not know where to start. If … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/08/2020

Purpose of The Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P27 (01-08-19)


In Romans, Paul uses several illustrations in explaining truth of living under grace. He uses an illustration of marriage to illustrate that we are to die to the law of sin and death and live to another, Jesus Christ our Lord. So a husband who dies, then the woman he was married to is free to marry another man. She is no longer bound to the law of marriage since her husband has died.

As Paul uses various illustrations, the illustration of master and slaves and the law of marriage, he is explaining truth to people who were so accustomed to living under the law of Moses. They perverted the law and made into a means to obtaining righteousness. The truth he taught went against everything the Jewish world at that time believed to be true. As it was in that day, so it is still today. There is still Jewish orthodoxy under strict legalism, that forbids spitting on the ground on the Sabbath. You even have a Sabbat elevator to prevent work on the Sabbath.

You also have the church world today that puts people under law. You have heard … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/06/2020

Jesus Died Once for All

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P25 (01-06-19)


We are continuing our study of Romans. We are currently in the 6th chapter of Romans. Here in chapter 6, Paul is explaining the law of sin and death in contrast to the law of life in Christ Jesus. All of us were born under the law of sin and death. We had been deceived into thinking we can be righteous by observing the law. But the more we tried to obey the law, we come to know we cannot obey it completely or perfectly. So we decide to pick and choose which ones we think we can obey. Well, I can attend church on Sundays. I can stop saying certain bad words, or at least not smoke in church. Yet, if we were are intellectually honest with ourselves, we would realize that the law can only make us conscious of sin.

Paul goes on to explain the purpose of the law. The law was added so man can recognize he is a sinner, and recognize his condition of death, death to God called spiritual death, in order that he might seek a Savior. When one considers that the wages … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/18/2019

Reign in Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P24 (12-18-19)


Now that you are a new creation in Christ, born again with the Spirit of God living in you, do not let sin reign in your mortal body. Whereas before you were in Christ, you were born dead spiritually, and that by Adam’s choice, now you have the choice to choose life. You chose life and are born again. Now, choose to continue to walk in Him.

Can you choose to let sin reign in your mortal body? Yes. You let the evil desires, prompted by the flesh, Satan or the world to deceive you (1 John 2:15-17). You have been living in error because of past thinking you had when you were an unbeliever or you choose to believe a lie that you will get something desirable, yet in the end, you will only find yourself enslaved again.

So have you believed a lie that you cannot quit smoking? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is living in you? So does it make sense to put smoke in your body? No sense at all. Then, do you say that you can’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More