New Years P3 Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/29/2021

Classic Christianity – New Years P3 (12-29-21)

Understanding the Significance of The Birth of Jesus

As you read the familiar story of the account in Luke of the birth and early life of Christ, what grabs your attention? The Spirit continually teaches us through His word, even from passages so familiar to us, as we stop and ponder His word, and ask the Lord to reveal to us what He wants us to see today. When you think of how the Spirit is at work to reveal truth to men, do you see how He works throughout the ages to reveal Himself to men? How has He revealed Himself to you? Today, He has revealed Himself to us by the Son He has given.

What do you think of the shepherds in the fields, who had angels visit them, and then Mary, through whom the angel Gabriel told her of the Spirit to be placed in her, to be called Immanuel, God with us? Then you have the Spirit speak to Simeon about a prophecy from the prophet Micah, that both the Israelites and the Gentiles will be saved the same way, through this small child Jesus, who will be … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “New Years P3 Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/29/2021”

New Years P2 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/28/2021

Your Identity in Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – New Years P2 (12-28-21)

If You Are in Christ Jesus, You Are a Child of God!

So when you become born again, what is your identity? Are you a Baptist, a Presbyterian, or whatever title you choose to associate with? No. The bible only gives you one identity, a child of God. Denominations teach you denominational persuasions of men. Do you hold the teachings of men higher than God’s Truth? What these denomination teach might be true or it might not be. How do you know that what people are teaching you is true? By the word of God you hold in your hands, and by the Spirit of God, living in you, who has promised to guide you into all truth. Do you test whatever any man says is true? Do you test what is being said by looking into God’s word, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you? That is what the apostle Paul commended the Bereans for doing. We also have the exhortation to study the word so at to rightly divide the word of God. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Did you know that … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “New Years P2 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/28/2021”

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/01/2021

The Sin of The World is Unbelief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P8 (12-01-21)

Who is Going to Determine What is Right and Wrong? God or man?

Man is still trying to determine what is right and wrong in their own eyes today. People justify their own actions by saying to God, “I don’t need you God, I can determine right from wrong myself. God, you don’t know what you are talking about. This is just an alternative lifestyle, and is not sin.” Yet the word of God tells us that no one is righteous. No one does good. They do what is right in their own eyes.

Romans 3:10-12
10As it is written:
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”

The Counsellor of God has been sent to us. The Holy Spirit is our Counsellor. When we repent of our sin of unbelief and accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to give us life. He gives us eternal life. Then the Holy Spirit … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/01/2021”

Radio Broadcast Friday 11/26/2021

Give Thanks to Jesus

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 5 (11-26-21)

Give Thanks, Your Sins Have Been Forgiven

As the Thanksgiving season is here, consider how much we have been freely given. If you are in Christ, you are free. You are free from the law. You are no longer under the law of sin and death, the law with it’s demands that you could never keep. Sin was your master and owner. In Christ, you are no longer a prisoner of the law. You were once locked up until faith should be revealed. Has faith been revealed to you? Can you now call God your Father because you have become a child of God, a new creation in Christ?

Even before the law was given, sin was in the world. All of us were born dead spiritually. The law was powerless to save you nor could it. We were already weak in our natural selves, being dead already. We keep doing what we know we ought not do and we do not do what we know we should. And when we fail, there is guilt under the law. Then why was the law given? The law was added so that man may see … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Friday 11/26/2021”

Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/25/2021

Be Thankful in Everything

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 4 (11-25-21)

Give Thanks to God Through Jesus in Everything We Do

Turn to Romans and read along as Bob explains its meaning. The book of Romans is a book of contrast between law and grace. The purpose of the law is for man to recognize his sinfulness, his condition of spiritual death, that he might seek a Savior in Jesus Christ. There is so much that the apostle Paul explains concerning the law; its purpose, it’s inability to make one righteous before God, it’s ministry of death to make man realize his sinful state. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show dirt on the face but it has no power to remove the dirt. So too is the law to show man he is a sinner but there is no power in the law to make anyone righteous before God.

The law demands perfect obedience, which no man in his weakened sinful state could ever completely obey. As James said, if a man obeyed all of the law but failed at just one point, then he is guilty of breaking all of the law. A law without a penalty is no … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/25/2021”

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/20/2021

Jesus Loves The World

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P33 (10-20-21)

Come to Christ for Life; The Fullness of the Gospel; The Totality of the Cross and Being Made Complete in Christ

Man is incurably religious. Why is that? Why is it that when you go to the most indigenous people of the world in the remotest jungle, you will find people going through some kind of motion in an attempt to get in contact with the spiritual world. People will acknowledge that there is something out there they cannot see. And unless you are fool, then you must acknowledge there is a God, for all of creation testifies of that.

Hebrews 11:6
6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Psalm 19:1
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

In the heart of every man is a God-shaped vacuum that is in the heart of man that can only be filled by His Son Jesus Christ. Have you pondered why that is so? Adam was … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/20/2021”