Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P43 (02-17-20)
How is it that our flesh is so prone to begin puffed up with pride. The apostle Paul now addresses this issue of pride with the Gentiles. The Gentiles, who pursued pleasure and certainly were not seeking God, found God, or rather, were found by God, believed the message concerning Christ Jesus and were saved. The Jews, who pursued a righteousness that is by works, a self righteousness, and, therefore, rejected the message concerning Christ Jesus. The Jews received all of the law and the prophets, saw the parting of the Red Sea, had the Old Covenant scriptures read to them, and in numerous ways God provided for them, yet they failed to come to Christ for life. The Gentiles then began to get haughty and proud that they came to life in Christ while the Jews did not. Paul wrote to the Romans, to the the Gentile believers in Rome, to correct this attitude.
Paul explains that he himself is a Jew, and shares from his heart how he longs for all of Israel, his brothers and sisters by heritage, to be saved. The Jews had a zeal for God … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message