Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/24/2021

Thank You Jesus For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 3 (11-24-21)

Give Thanks to God in Everything

It is so easy to forget. Paul reminds us again and again to be joyful always. How can we be joyful? First of all, do you have the Spirit of the living God living in you? Yes, you say. Then you are given the privilege of participating in the divine nature, the nature to be joyful. Why? What trust did you have for Christ to do for you? What was the biggest thing God did for you? He died for your sins, and indeed the sins of the entire world. Before you were even born, he demonstrated his love for mankind. He also had you in mind, in that while you were yet his enemy, a sinner, he died for you. He died so that the punishment of death required for sin was paid in full. He would bear the full consequence of that sin, and the sins of the entire world, upon himself, a price too great for you to pay. He did this so that when you came to see your condition of death you would look to him for new life. He was raised … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/27/2019

Thank You Jesus For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 3 (11-27-19)


It is so easy to forget. Paul reminds us again and again to be joyful always. How can we be joyful? First of all, do you have the Spirit of the living God living in you? Yes, you say. Then you are given the privilege of participating in the divine nature, the nature to be joyful. Why? What trust did you have for Christ to do for you? What was the biggest thing God did for you? He died for your sins, and indeed the sins of the entire world. Before you were even born, he demonstrated his love for mankind. He also had you in mind, in that while you were yet his enemy, a sinner, he died for you. He died so that the punishment of death required for sin was paid in full. He would bear the full consequence of that sin, and the sins of the entire world, upon himself, a price too great for you to pay. He did this so that when you came to see your condition of death you would look to him for new life. He was raised to new life so that … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message