Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P633 (05-13-21)
It can be difficult to sort out truth from error. It is sort of like brainwashing. The more often you have heard something repeated, so often that you believed it to be true, it seems so much harder to be convinced that you were deceived. That is so true today in the world we live in with lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine passports. But it is also true in the religious world where people hold onto false concepts such as election and tithing for today. Indeed there is a correlation or overlap between the religious and secular worlds. Those who are deceived in the things of this world tend also to be the same ones deceived in regard to the spiritual realm as well. For the spiritual realm has practical implications. But Jesus also warned us in his word to let no man deceive you, and that in the last days, even the elect would be deceived if that were possible.
When someone is born again, and would simply turn to God’s word, allowing the Spirit of God living in Him, to reveal truth to him, so much faulty understanding … Listen to Broadcast & Read More