Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/17/2020

Jesus is the Light of The World and Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P20 (11-17-20)


As you read prophecy fulfilled, think beyond just that it happened and that it was fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the meaning of the word of God to you, a spiritual meaning, a spiritual lesson that you can grab a hold of.

Oftentimes we read about the Pharisees or Judas Iscariot, and we might think we would never be like them. But, do you get caught up in the present affairs of this world, of unfolding events like you read about in Revelation. Instead of keeping your focus on Christ, you want to take matters into your own hands. Well, what if Jesus was walking here today, and you were so focused on your own agenda, to make America free. You do not like the way events are unfolding. So you let anger creep inside of you, and you decide to take matters into your own hands. You manipulate leaders and people to do your bidding, and get behind a leader to act in a certain way. But that leader has a different agenda. He does not take action like you expect.… Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/16/2020

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P19 (11-16-20)


As we resume our study in A Closer Look at Jesus Christ, in Chapter 6: Biblical Prophecies about Jesus Christ, we look at various prophecies of the Old Testament prophets, who lived over 700 years before the birth of Christ, and whose prophetic words were written down for us. These men could not have had such knowledge on their own, but the Holy Spirit of God revealed to them future events in history that would be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. They were told to record these things down for future generations to observe and then later be read through those who were eyewitnesses of these things, who wrote down the actual fulfillment of the event.

The eyewitnesses, the New Testament disciples and apostles, who ate and drank and walked on the earth with Jesus, heard the very spoken words of Jesus and observed all that He did and said in fulfillment of those prophetic writings of the Old Testament prophets. They wrote down what they saw and heard. All this was done so that the person of Jesus Christ might be revealed to mankind as to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/11/2020

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P18 (11-11-20)


The coming of Jesus Christ into human history on our behalf was not an event that suddenly burst upon an unsuspecting world. It was a culmination of a long line of prophetic statements, starting with the voice of God predicting his coming at the beginning of human history, that we read in Genesis 3. His arrival in human form was an event planned before the creation of the world. We read that in 1 Peter 1:20, and the mission for which he came, as discussed in 2 Corinthians 5:81-21.

A brief summary of the purpose and plan for Jesus coming to this earth can be found in this little booklet, Be Born Free, sharing from the scriptures, the truth of what God had said through Jesus Christ and what Jesus death, burial and resurrection accomplished for you and me.

So let us look at some prophetic events recorded in the scriptures from the prophet Micah and the prophet Isaiah, written over 700 years before the events occurred. These things were written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one, the promised Messiah, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/05/2018

Classic Christianity – Book of John P25 (12-05-18)

Bob George TeachingBob George continues teaching from the book of John. He is currently in John 7 where the religious leaders are trying to turn the crowd against Jesus and many of the Jews are not understanding and are divided concerning Jesus. Some say Jesus is the prophet. Others say Jesus is the Messiah. Some Jews who knew some facts from scripture lacked full understanding and so doubted Jesus being the Messiah. Jesus clearly explained who he was, that he came from Heaven. Jesus had a message to shared concerning his death, burial and resurrection. But more than than that. He also told them that he will return to His Father so that he can send the Holy Spirit to dwell in men. Bob explains more thoroughly with other supporting scriptures to explain the significance of the Holy Spirit taking residence in the lives of men. The religious leaders, as well as others, could only think in the natural realm. The religious leaders wondered what he meant by saying he is going away. Is he going away to a far away country? Jesus is going to die, be raised again, and return to His … Listen to Broadcast & Read More