Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/12/2020

Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P42 (02-12-20)


As children of God, we have the privilege to participate in the divine nature. Before, we did not have such a privilege, because you cannot participate in what you do not yet have, the Spirit of God living in you. But, everyone is born with free will. Adam and Eve were born with the choice to love God or to choose for themselves what is right and wrong, and good and evil. When they chose wrong, sin and death entered this world, the Spirit of God left mankind, for all have sinned, and all have died.

So since the fall of Adam, we were all born spiritually dead, without the Spirit of God living in us. Then Jesus took away the cause of death, which is sin, by becoming sin for us, when he shed his blood on a cross. Now, man has a choice to accept the life of Christ. For when Jesus rose from the dead, he now offers eternal life, the same life that raised him from the dead, to all who will come to him to receive that life. Again, man has a choice to reject this … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/18/2019

Reign in Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P24 (12-18-19)


Now that you are a new creation in Christ, born again with the Spirit of God living in you, do not let sin reign in your mortal body. Whereas before you were in Christ, you were born dead spiritually, and that by Adam’s choice, now you have the choice to choose life. You chose life and are born again. Now, choose to continue to walk in Him.

Can you choose to let sin reign in your mortal body? Yes. You let the evil desires, prompted by the flesh, Satan or the world to deceive you (1 John 2:15-17). You have been living in error because of past thinking you had when you were an unbeliever or you choose to believe a lie that you will get something desirable, yet in the end, you will only find yourself enslaved again.

So have you believed a lie that you cannot quit smoking? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is living in you? So does it make sense to put smoke in your body? No sense at all. Then, do you say that you can’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/17/2019

Life to the Dead

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P23 (12-17-19)


Let the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you as you read the 5th chapter of Romans. Paul answers a common question: What is the purpose of the law? Have you come to understand that the law was never designed for you to be made righteous before God? It is only through the law that you are conscious of sin. The law is to reveal sin in you so that you might seek a savior. There is only one savior, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, and the only one who has a life to lay down only to raise it up again.

But who has understood what Jesus came to do? Many know that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. But just knowing that is like knowing Jesus as a man in history. Even Satan knows that Jesus died, but that certainly made no difference in the heart of Satan. What is the condition of your heart today? To those who are lost, I make this appeal. Have you recognized that you are a sinner? Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/08/2019

Jesus Forgave You Believe It

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P490 (11-08-19)


It so encouraging, and so thrilling, to hear someone ask what it means to be born again, and then to readily accept the message, and become a child of God. When every day you share truth, and people hear truth, accept it as truth and see someone start walk in a new life. There is no greater joy to see people walking in truth.

Sometimes we get bogged down in our daily lives, being bombarded with legalism or teaching that just weighs us down. The day to day mundane things we do just seems to weigh us down at times. But to know that the time we ourselves get alone with the Lord, letting Him teach us the meaning of the word of God, and see the work God is doing in us. Then, as we simply share truth that has been revealed to us, that truth not only changes our own lives, but it overflows into the lives of others. That makes living so worthwhile.

Listen as Bob George shares with a young seminary student getting bogged down in his studies in theology that seems to distract him from … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/30/2019

Repent of Your Unbelief

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P469 (8-30-19)


Bob George answers questions from several callers. A common question asked by many people is, “Can I lose my salvation?” There are denominations that teach this, such as the Church of the Nazarene, but truth is not found in a denominational persuasion. Jesus came to this earth to explain truth to men. The natural man cannot understand truth, for truth must be spiritually discerned. The humble will receive truth and believe what Jesus had said. When they choose to believe truth in regards to what Christ Jesus did, through his death, burial and resurrection, they become born again that moment, have the Spirit of God placed in them, and are said to have the mind of Christ.

People can be persuasive in speech and even know a lot of scriptures but do not know the truth. That was true of the Jews in Jesus day, and they memorized much of the Old Testament, but did not recognize Jesus when he came and even sought to kill him. Men too can be liars and deceivers but also men who are simply spiritually dead like all of us once were. So they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/28/2019

Repent Change Your Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P451 (6-28-19)

Several callers called to ask questions for clarification on truth. The questions asked were for understanding forgiveness, legalism, spiritual growth, water baptism versus baptism of the Spirit, and what it means by “bound and loosed” in John 20:23. Bob explains the scriptures to explain truth while exposing common misunderstanding.

Bobbie called to express his spiritual burnout he is experiencing in bible college. Bob personally believes it is due to a lack of emphasis on the dependence of the Spirit of God to understand the meaning of the word of God. The bible is written so someone can get to know the author. Bob then addressed his question on forgiveness more thoroughly, for he is being improperly taught in his bible college. The issue of forgiveness is emphasized more than anything else in bible college, but is taught in error, as in the common misunderstanding of 1 John 1:9, where people are taught to keep short accounts with God, to confess future sins so as to keep in fellowship with God. That is teaching in error.

So what does the phrase “fallen away” mean? A lot of people God would say to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More