Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P713 (03-03-22)
Saved by the Baptism of The Holy Spirit Not Water Baptism – You Must Repent of Your Unbelief and Believe in Christ Jesus
In today’s Classic Christianity Radio program Bob discusses baptism of the Holy Spirit vs water baptism. Only baptism by the Holy Spirit, making a person born again of the Spirit, is the only way salvation takes place. Water baptism doesn’t do anything for you except get you wet.
Another caller called in about forgiveness of sins and the fellowship issue. Fellowship is always in the fellowship saved or out of the fellowship lost.
Then there was another caller that wondered about Acts 18:24-28 in regards to being saved by baptism vs baptism of the Holy Spirit and altar calls. Bob’s answer brings additional insights on to what was happening in the book of Acts at that point in time, in that some had not even heard of baptism of the Holy Spirit. They only had heard of John the Baptist, water baptism, pointing toward the One that would take away all their sins on the cross. They were unaware of the baptism of the believer by the Holy … Listen to Broadcast & Read More