Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P44 (03-09-22)
Anyone in Christ Jesus Has Eternal Life Right Now!
Reminder, we are reviewing a bit of yesterday’s teaching and we continue on with looking at A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection. Follow along with Bob as we are finishing up on this amazing Bible study journey on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This study is paramount in your understanding of your assurance of your salvation and in your assurance of faith. Listen in to today’s message , and pass the message on to others.
It’s in His resurrection. And again, I state what Paul stated so clearly, that without the resurrection we are still in our sins and to be pitied of all people, even though in His physical form He died for the forgiveness of sins. Had it not been for the resurrection there would have been no resurrected life available to you and me. And folks, the object of the cross, which was his death; was to be able to give us life through His resurrection. And so He said that I’m going to go away and when I do … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message