Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/09/2022

Know You Have Eternal Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P44 (03-09-22)

Anyone in Christ Jesus Has Eternal Life Right Now!

Reminder, we are reviewing a bit of yesterday’s teaching and we continue on with looking at A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection. Follow along with Bob as we are finishing up on this amazing Bible study journey on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This study is paramount in your understanding of your assurance of your salvation and in your assurance of faith. Listen in to today’s message , and pass the message on to others.

It’s in His resurrection. And again, I state what Paul stated so clearly, that without the resurrection we are still in our sins and to be pitied of all people, even though in His physical form He died for the forgiveness of sins. Had it not been for the resurrection there would have been no resurrected life available to you and me. And folks, the object of the cross, which was his death; was to be able to give us life through His resurrection. And so He said that I’m going to go away and when I do … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/08/2022

Professer vs Possessor of Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P43 (03-08-22)

Professers vs Possessors of Jesus Christ

Let’s continue on our journey in a Closer Look at the Reality of the Resurrection.

Bob: I think that you will probably agree that teaching through this series on A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection, is one of the most exciting series that we’ve ever done. And, the resurrection of Christ is paramount to the Christian faith. It’s a matter of fact, it is so paramount that Paul said that without the resurrection. our faith is futile. We’re to be pitied of all people because we’re still in our sins. And so the whole essence of the Christian faith rests upon, was that tomb empty? Or was it as I’ve said so many times that the tomb of Jesus is the only one that is famous for who isn’t in it. And again, we have to either explain that away or fall on our face and give our lives to it, that tomb was empty. There had to be a reason for it. That could have been a reason of course, that possibly the apostles came … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/24/2020

Jesus is The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P59 (03-24-20)


We have much to be grateful for, for Jesus, the Jew, the born again Jew, and to the apostle Paul, a Jew, through whom we came to know the truth of the gospel and how to live in the new life God has given us. Paul provided much instruction to the believers in Christ so they may grow to maturity. He not only delighted in sharing the gospel with them, but his life with them as well.

Recall in Romans 8 how he shared about the proper functioning of the body of Christ, each individual with unique spiritual gifts from God, so the body may be encouraged and learn from each other, so they too may learn how to operate in that gift even if they were not specifically given that spiritual gift. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.

So Paul delighted in being with other believers, and his heart attitude was so that we may be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith. He was not a lone ranger Christian. He asked for prayer, that he may boldly proclaim the gospel as clearly as he ought. He … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/22/2019

Who Do You Say I Am

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 24 (05-22-19)

Bob George shares from John 5, on the testimony of the Father concerning Jesus. Bob emphasized the life of the Holy Spirit living in a person, producing the fruit of the Spirit. That ultimately is the work Jesus came to do. One characteristic of the Spirit is love (Galatians 5:22-23). Then he shares from 1 Corinthians 13, explaining how Jesus came to expose the pride in man, that he may humble himself, recognize his state of spiritual death, and come to walk in the newness of life, with the Spirit of God living in him. The opposite of love is not hate, but pride. As a born again person, Jesus is showing us today how to live in dependence on the Holy Spirit of God. He is the vine and we are the branches. We love because he first loved us. Allow the love of he Holy Spirit to be produced in you and through you.

Bob George shares from John 5 on the testimonies of Jesus. We have read about his early life and his public ministry, his miracles, the testimony of John the Baptist, and where Jesus identified himself … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/12/2018

Classic Christianity – Book of John p14 (11-12-18)

Bob George TeachingBob George, from the original People to People radio for over 30 years, continues teaching from the book of John. He starts out by introducing the thinking of an atheist and agnostic in regards to their lack of understanding of the truth of God. Then he transitions to how the child of God, or believer, knows the truth of God and has the indwelling Spirit of God to reveal truth to him. The believer has the choice to walk by the flesh or by the Spirit. Bob shares some common patterns of walking in the flesh and the absolute necessity of having the Spirit of God at work in you. Without the Holy Spirit, the believer cannot love and his natural tendency in the flesh is to walk in fear or anger.

Bob also explains the relationship between faith, hope and love and the typical flesh pattern of living in fear, sin really. Fear leads to anger or the building of defensive walls as barriers to relationships. With fear, one is not free to love someone else and fear leads to anger. He also explains that anger is not the opposite of … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message