Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P38 (01-14-25)
I Speak the Truth in Christ. Do You?
~ “I speak the truth in Christ. I am not lying.” Romans 9:1
It’s amazing how one verse of scripture can make a difference in our lives. Are you are Truth teller in Christ Jesus? Paul told it like it is all the time. He was adamant on telling of TRUTH. And that’s what happens to you when you have been changed from the inside. You want to tell people Truth. You want to share with people Truth. And the TRUTH is Jesus, God Himself. When you are sharing Jesus, you are sharing TRUTH with people. Jesus’ name is TRUTH. And TRUTH does not change based on if it feels comfortable or not. Truth will always divide, and many times people cannot handle the Truth because in their pride they think they actually know the truth.
When you know Truth, and He begins the process of renewing your mind, you will find out that the TRUTH will overwhelm you. You will begin to see things with God’s eyes, and hear things with God’s ears, and ALL things will change. And if you obey Truth … Listen to Broadcast & Read More