Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P106 (05-15-24)
In This World You Will Face Trials and Tribulation
~ Today, we have these smiley preachers (Satan’s messengers) that preach the lies of the world. They preach unrealistic expectations, and when those expectations are not met, then depression sets in. We need to stop listening to the preaching of the world. And those of us in Christ Jesus know full well the smile it and claim it people out there. They are preaching a different gospel all together. And they are leading the sheep to the slaughter. They are all Judas Goats, and that is what a Judas Goat does, is it leads people that are blindly following them to the slaughter house. We need to tell people the truth. Everyone is going to face tribulations in life. It’s in the midst of those tribulations that being in Christ Jesus, and having His Holy Spirit living in the believer, that gets us through those trials and tribulations of life. And as we saw in Hebrews chapter 11, the faith chapter, there were many many folks that faced unimaginable tribulation, but they trusted in God to get them through the tribulation of their … Listen to Broadcast & Read More