Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/15/2024

Jesus Sent the Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P106 (05-15-24)

In This World You Will Face Trials and Tribulation

~ Today, we have these smiley preachers (Satan’s messengers) that preach the lies of the world. They preach unrealistic expectations, and when those expectations are not met, then depression sets in. We need to stop listening to the preaching of the world. And those of us in Christ Jesus know full well the smile it and claim it people out there. They are preaching a different gospel all together. And they are leading the sheep to the slaughter. They are all Judas Goats, and that is what a Judas Goat does, is it leads people that are blindly following them to the slaughter house. We need to tell people the truth. Everyone is going to face tribulations in life. It’s in the midst of those tribulations that being in Christ Jesus, and having His Holy Spirit living in the believer, that gets us through those trials and tribulations of life. And as we saw in Hebrews chapter 11, the faith chapter, there were many many folks that faced unimaginable tribulation, but they trusted in God to get them through the tribulation of their … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/14/2024

Jesus Wants to Renew Your Mind

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P105 (05-14-24)

Jesus Calls True Believers, Sons of God

When you grab a hold of the truth of the word of God, and realize that we who are true believers of Christ are one with Him, the implications of that are enormous. We are sons of God, those of us who have the Holy Spirit living in us. We are one with Jesus, and one with the Father. Everything that Jesus has is ours too. We have been given the full inheritance of Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, He was the perfect Man of God, who took away the sins of the world. When a person places faith in him and what he did on the cross for them, the Holy Spirit comes to take up residence in your spirit, and you become one with God. The Holy Spirit will never leave you. You can’t kick the Holy Spirit out even if you wanted to. And furthermore, why would the true child of God want to kick the Holy Spirit out in the first place?

Jesus said “the meek shall inherit the earth” Matthew 5:5Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/13/2024

Jesus God is The Faithful One

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P104 (05-13-24)

Faithful is He who Called you Who Will Also Do It

Jesus is the Faithful one of God. Fix your eyes on Jesus, not yourself. The religious world wants you to believe the lie of Satan, and focus on yourself, what you are doing, what you are Not doing, and what you are doing for God. If you are listening to pastors and teachers that are preaching the lies of Satan, self holiness for example, stop listening to them. These people are liars and deceivers and Judas goats, leading the sheep to the slaughter. Stop promoting anyone that preaches what you already know to be true about yourself and the foundation, Jesus, God in flesh is the only Perfect Man of God. There is nothing holy in man by himself, only God is the Holy One. Only God could do, and did do, what we could not do for ourselves. We can’t make ourselves holy, we can’t keep ourselves holy, we were never holy in the sight of God in and of ourselves. Yet most pastors teach a form of holiness doctrine as in you must practice holiness (as though they think … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/09/2024

The Holy Spirit Will Lead You in All Truth

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P931 (05-09-24)

The Holy Spirit Trains Us In Truth of the Word of God

~ God’s Truth is always in the believer. For the Holy Spirit will make the Truth of the word of God known to you. And when Truth is made known, this is His discipline upon us. And as we are being trained for the battle, we can then identify the lies of the devil. And folks, the lies are abundant today, much more than people imagine. For we were all born into a world of lies. We see it all around us, and yet most do not see it. For they do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear, of what is really going on the world today.

First off, a person needs to start with the proper foundation. And that is Christ Jesus, alive living in you. Once you have Him alive living in you, through the Holy Spirit of God, then we are told we actually have the mind of God. And don’t discount the teachings of the Holy Spirit. For He is always talking to us, teaching us all TRUTH. And when … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/08/2024

Jesus Sanctifies Believers Through Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P103 (05-08-24)

God Wants to Teach us Truth, All Truth

God’s name is Truth, and he wants us to know Truth. Why? Because when we know Truth, then we can easily spot the lies of Satan. And folks, Truth is much much deeper than people imagine. And the opposite of that is the Lies are also much deeper than we imagine. The lies are everywhere. Most people are living a life of lies. Even Christians are so into the world, that it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a true child of God and the people of the world. They are into their music idols, their sports idols, their technology idols, their movie idols, their television shows idols, their news idols, their so called Christian idols, and even their political idols. They don’t have a clue about the world we live in, and the schemes of the devil that are everywhere. They would much rather be programmed by their Tell a Visions and Radio Programs rather than the Word of God. They simply don’t want to stop drinking the Kool-aid, because after all, they are very comfortable pretending that all is well, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/29/2024

Salvation is Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P911 (02-29-24)

Salvation is Eternal Life

~ The sin that so easily entangles is unbelief in the finished work of the cross. No matter where you go, the lies of Satan are taught to make you think that you need more forgiveness by God. The sin of unbelief is easy to entangle a person. A person focuses on what man says instead of the teaching of God. And Satan, through his agents will make salvation mean something completely different. People then become hooked on the idea that a person can lose something based on their own works or lack of works of righteousness. But we always need to back up to the truth of the word of God. Don’t let anyone knock you out of the race. Jesus is the perfector of our faith, NOT man, and certainly not yourself. It’s time to set the record straight in your mind, and get rid of the stuff that hinders you. Stop listening to Satan’s agents. Stop listening to what the world tells you is good. For all of that stuff has been inverted, and what is good is called evil and what is evil … Listen to Broadcast & Read More