Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P967 (09-06-24)
Verify in the Word of God to See if Things Are True as Stated by Others
~ We hear a lot of things today, where some member of a band or some well known movie star, “supposedly” becomes a Christian. And low and behold, years later they show their true colors. And folks, it’s all by design from Satan to get a person to focus on this person or that person instead of the word of God. When you dig down into the details, and now we even have additional insight into these details because everything is quickly at our fingertips online, and we can see what others believe and even what other pastors teach, in regards to their understanding of salvation, or what they think of salvation as believing the lie that a person gets their sins forgiven when they repent of all their sins, and these are nothing more than stories in the so called news, to get you to focus on that person, instead of the Truth of the word of God. People fall for these stories hook, line and sinker. They hear a story, that this person … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message