Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/06/2024

Closer Look at Word of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P967 (09-06-24)

Verify in the Word of God to See if Things Are True as Stated by Others

~ We hear a lot of things today, where some member of a band or some well known movie star, “supposedly” becomes a Christian. And low and behold, years later they show their true colors. And folks, it’s all by design from Satan to get a person to focus on this person or that person instead of the word of God. When you dig down into the details, and now we even have additional insight into these details because everything is quickly at our fingertips online, and we can see what others believe and even what other pastors teach, in regards to their understanding of salvation, or what they think of salvation as believing the lie that a person gets their sins forgiven when they repent of all their sins, and these are nothing more than stories in the so called news, to get you to focus on that person, instead of the Truth of the word of God. People fall for these stories hook, line and sinker. They hear a story, that this person … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/15/2024

Jesus Word of God Warnings

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P960 (08-15-24)

The Words in the Original Language as Originally Written are the Actual Words of God

~ The Holy Spirit is required to show you the Truth of the Word of God. There are things in ALL the translations of the Word of God that don’t add up, and when compared to the original earlier manuscripts certain things are not in there or have been changed in meaning. Yet there are people today that worship at the feet of translations, KJV only for example, instead of trusting in the Holy Spirit to reveal All Truth to them.

Today, we have at our fingertips the ability to look up individual words and whole sections of Scripture and compare, and research out the meanings of ALL words, see where else they are used, and not base it on what Man says but base it on the direct teaching of the Holy Spirit, who lives in every true believer. We have been given a sound mind, and God expects us to use it. For everyone in Christ has the mind of Christ living in them. And when we are dependent on the Holy Spirit for … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/09/2024

The Holy Spirit Will Lead You in All Truth

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P931 (05-09-24)

The Holy Spirit Trains Us In Truth of the Word of God

~ God’s Truth is always in the believer. For the Holy Spirit will make the Truth of the word of God known to you. And when Truth is made known, this is His discipline upon us. And as we are being trained for the battle, we can then identify the lies of the devil. And folks, the lies are abundant today, much more than people imagine. For we were all born into a world of lies. We see it all around us, and yet most do not see it. For they do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear, of what is really going on the world today.

First off, a person needs to start with the proper foundation. And that is Christ Jesus, alive living in you. Once you have Him alive living in you, through the Holy Spirit of God, then we are told we actually have the mind of God. And don’t discount the teachings of the Holy Spirit. For He is always talking to us, teaching us all TRUTH. And when … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/02/2024

Jesus is Truth and the Way

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P929 (05-02-24)

Jesus is TRUTH

~ All Truth is found in Jesus. His name is TRUTH. His word is Truth. The Holy Spirit will point out TRUTH to you. And a person who doesn’t have TRUTH living in them can’t understand Truth. When someone wants to argue over the word of God not being God’s Truth, they are arguing with God Himself. For Jesus declares that He is TRUTH. And if Jesus speaks on something, you can rest assured that it is True. There is a cult today, a big one of many, that throws away or discounts the actual words of God and places authority on what man says and man’s traditions instead of the word of God actually declares to be TRUTH. Most don’t realize the very cult that they are in, but nevertheless, they are brainwashed into believing the lies of Satan through this cult. It takes the Holy Spirit to renew your mind in ALL matters of Truth today. And we were all taken in by the lies of Satan. And before you think that you could never be taken in by the lies of Satan, you are naive … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/19/2024

Rest in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P926 (04-19-24)

Rest in Jesus

~ People need to hear Truth today more than ever. Don’t hold Truth back from people. Share it with them. If you hear someone believing a lie, tell them Truth. If you hear people sharing lies, remind them of the Truth. Truth always is faithful. Jesus is TRUTH. All religions are lies. All of the world loves believing the lies of Satan. Hardly anyone wants to believe Truth today. They would much rather believe the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. Faith says I believe God and responding properly to Him. So when the Holy Spirit points out something to you, and places it on your heart, follow through with Truth with a person. Just like Julie heard someone in her “church” that was believing the lie of thinking God is going to judge them when they die for some sin committed years ago. It grieved Julie’s heart to hear that from this person. Well folks, that is a prime opportunity to share Truth with a person. There is more than one way to share Truth. Talk with them privately. Invite them to a Bible … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/21/2023

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P895 (12-21-23)

Throw Off The Sin of Unbelief, The Sin That so Easily Entangles

~ In chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews, we have been given the examples of faith in that chapter. And we are quick to discount what faith really is. We have actually forgotten that faith is responding properly to truth. God has given us truth at each point along the way and it is culminated with the Spirit of Truth living in each and every believer. Yet we are quick to even discount the Holy Spirit and end up not trusting Him for truth either. We tend to allow our flesh to guide us instead of the Spirit of God. And therein lies the problem. For Satan wants us to focus on our flesh and the teaching of men instead of the word of God. We need to start trusting in God to explain the word of God to each of us and what it means. It’s so important to remember that it requires the Holy Spirit to explain the meaning of the word of God to us today.

~ Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message